Chapter Three: A Girl Has Her Needs

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Lana's POV:

   I stared at myself in the mirror.

   Diana called an hour ago asking if I wanted go to a party, and being the party girl that I am, I said yes. My protesting muscles didn't agree with me though and I knew that I wouldn't be able to dance long tonight.

   My hair . . . I didn't even try anymore. I straightened it  and left it down. I wasn't in the mood to curl because that took too long. The eyeliner was causing too many problems for me so after a frustrated sigh and many attempts later, I finally gave up. I settled for a smoky eye and some mascara. The little black dress that I planned to wear was a big no because that was too skin tight. I was all for sexiness but you have to find the line between sexiness and sluttiness. I instead chose a midnight blue dress that was tight but not holy shit, I can see the shape of your nipples tight. It had long sleeves but my back was completely bare. With some lip gloss and black stilettos, I was ready.

   My tattoo peeked out on my thigh, the sun girl, with her flaming hair and the moon with his ethreal beauty meeting each other in a loving embrace. It spread all the way to my upper hip but the rest of my dress covered it up nicely.  My tattoo wasn't for show and tell, only for my own personal remembrance.

    I walked out  while out while I texted Diana, letting her know I was on my way. Stepping outside of the apartment, I shivered. It wasn't a good night to wear a dress.

    I peeked at the door across from mine. If I was being honest with myself, I was a little slower in hopes of seeing my neighbor. When I realized he was either out or not coming out, I felt like a fool. It's been exactly a week since I saw him. I couldn't help but pine just a little, teeny, tiny bit.

   I descended the stairs, not so graceful. In fact, I probably said so many curses that if I walked into a church I would burst into flames.

   I dashed into my car and turned on the heater. I waited a few minutes for my car to heat up and then made my way towards Diana's. She didn't live far, closer to the school than me. I sped into the neighborhood, passing all the small houses. I finally made it hers and screeched to a stop. She was already coming down the steps. She looked gorgeous, as usual, in a bright green dress that complimented her skin tone.

    Diana lives with her mom and her little brothers. Her mom's a great woman. She's always strict with her children but that's good parenting for you. She offered me to stay with them until my dad came back. I politely declined, knowing that he was never coming back. She always made sure I was okay.

    She opened the door and dropped into the seat. She looked at me and smiled, "You look great!" she says, ecstatically.

   "You too. Where is this party anyway?" I ask her.

   She looks at her phone. "It's near a here, a few neighborhoods over. It's one of Kendall's friends."

   I winced. I couldn't help it. Kendall and I used to be a thing that ended since last summer. We had lasted about two years and by thing, I meant me always forgiving him when he slept with some other girl when I hadn't put out. When he got to drunk or high, he would always get too. . . handsy with me. That's when I realized how sick he was and then realized how I was sick for being with him. My daddy issues had me go find someone that was almost exactly like him. Just thinkng about it made me want to vomit.

   Diana looks at me and grimaced. "Don't worry, I don't think he'll be there." She tells me and I relax. "Anyway, how's that neighbor of yours? Seen him?"

   I try not to smile but I do anyway. Damn it. "I haven't seen him since last week."

   "If I was you, I'd be knocking on his door and just drag him to bed." She tells me, casually, as if we were talking about the weather.

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