how it began

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Two little 5 year olds, a redhead and a blonde, were running for their lives. From what? From a group of villagers and few shinobis that were trying to kill them, the so called 'demon hunters'. As they ran both 5 year olds were terrified. They knew why they hated them, they knew that the kyuubi was sealed inside of them, but ¿don't they know the difference between a kunai and a scroll? They were still running and by a miracle found a place to hide.

The siblings hid in a small wooden box in an alleyway. They both trembled from the cold and fear.

The redhead could hear the crowds' footsteps nearing them, the crunch of their steps got louder by time making her heart beat faster. She saw lights nearing her way, the flames of the light seemed to trigger reality in her.

"Onii-chan, whatever happens do not come out." She whispered to Naruto before she hid him away and made herself the target. She didn't want to see her older brother get hurt.

"We found the demon!" One of the chūnin in the group yelled to his fellow comrades.

Another neared Narumi, grabbed her by her hair and pulled her out in the open.

"You think you can hide!?"

"Where's the other one?!"

"Let's kill it so we'll have less demons to deal with!" Another one yelled and everyone else agreed.

They started beating her, kicking her and stabbing her with any sharp object they could find. From seconds to minutes to hours, it felt too long. Once she was laying in a pool of her own blood, one yelled "let's finished what the fourth started!" and there was many shouts of agreement.

Naruto was crying, he wanted to help, to go and save her, but he knew that it would result in more damage, the pain was unbearable for the both of them.

Before any of them could land another blow on her, a figure materialized in front of Narumi. He had short, unkempt black hair, a broad nose, and wore a high-collared navy blue shirt with the Uchiha Clan symbol on the back and black pants. But the most defining characteristic were the blood red eyes with three tomoe around a black dot. The villagers and few shinobi stepped back.

The newcomer drew a tanto that was strapped to his back and disappeared into thin air. A second later, the shinobis in the group dropped to the ground, dead, with their throats cut from ear to ear. The villagers ran away from the scene.

Narumi whimpered and backed away from the man who had just killed the ninjas. The man's face seemed to soften and he slowly approached her, but briefly stopped when the redhead whimpered again.

"Are you going to hurt me, mister?" Narumi's cerulean blue eyes stared suspiciously at the man.

"No, I'm not going to hurt you, Narumi nor Naruto." He looked in the direction of the blonde making the redhead freeze. "Don't be afraid of me. My name is Shisui Uchiha, and I'm here to help you two." His words made Narumi relax a bit.

"You can come out, onii-chan." She managed to say before she, coupled with the mental stress and blood loss, passed out, her tiny frame slumping to the ground.

Shisui chuckled at this. It was about time the kid passed out. It was a wonder how she hadn't passed out earlier. He gently picked Narumi up as Naruto ran to his little sister's side, panicking when he saw that she was unconscious.

"Is she going to be okay?" He asked, looking up as Shisui smiled and nodded before extending his hand for Naruto to grab, and once he did, they flickered out of existence.

Narumi Uzumaki (Naruto's Sister)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang