chapter 6

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~Third person POV~

Iruka jumped from tree to tree in search for Naruto and Narumi, after a while he finally found them. 'Ah ha.' He thought as he saw the twins jumping from tree to tree not far away from him.

"Naruto! Narumi!" Iruka yelled causing them to turn towards him. "Everything that Mizuki said was a lie. Give me the scroll, hurry! He's coming after both of you to take it away." Iruka said.

Both Naruto and Narumi stopped on a branch before jumping up into the air. Naruto punched Iruka in the chest while Narumi spin kicked Iruka in the face, away from both of them.

Iruka slid a few yards away from the twins. They both panted from running as they stared down Iruka.

"It can't be." Iruka said as Naruto took the scroll off from his back, held it in front of him and backed into a tree, sliding to the ground while Narumi fell to her knees panting for air with her left eye close and her right eye half close. "Argh, how did you know? Naruto? Narumi?" Iruka asked as he turned around. "How did you know?" There was a poof where Iruka was, after awhile the smoke went away and revealed Mizuki. "That it was me and not Iruka?" He glared at the twins.

Narumi chuckled as Naruto smirked and chuckled as he stared down Mizuki. Then a poof of smoke appeared where the twins sat and there sat the real Iruka as Naruto and logs as the redhead and scroll.

"Because I'm Iruka." Iruka replied smugly.

Mizuki started to get up slowly and looked at Iruka.

"You're a fool, why are you protecting those freaks? They're the ones who wiped out your family." Mizuki said, completely unaware that Naruto and Narumi where hiding somewhere near them behind a tree, listening.

"I don't care what you say. I won't hand the scroll over to someone like you." Iruka said.

Narumi hugged her brother while shaking slightly and Naruto wrapped his arms around her shoulders, bringing her closer towards him.

"As if you could stop me. Don't you get it? Naruto and Narumi are just like me." Mizuki said.

"How's that?" Iruka asked.

"They want the scroll for their own power and their own vengeance. That's how beast are, they pour all their rage into the scroll and destroy everything." Mizuki said with his arms up in the air looking at Iruka.

"You're right." Iruka said causing Naruto to gasp and tighten his grip on his sister who was now shaking like a leaf.

'Is that really what he thinks of us? Like we are the nine tails itself?' The redhead thought, clutching to her dear older brother.

"That is how beast are. But that's not who Naruto and Narumi are, they're nothing like that. Naruto's one of a kind and Narumi as well, he works hard and puts his whole heart into it. Sure he messes up sometimes and everyone jumps on him, but his suffering only makes him stronger and Narumi is always there with him every step of the way. That's what separates them from being a beast. So you're wrong, they're nothing like the nine tailed fox. They are Naruto and Narumi Uzumaki of the Village Hidden in the Leaves." Iruka said causing the twins to cry.

Narumi's grip on her brother loosened up as she listened to her sensei's warm words. 'Iruka-sensei.' She thought.

Mizuki's eye twitched in annoyance at what Iruka just said, he grabbed the second large shuriken.

"Huh, you really believe that dribble Iruka? I was going to save you for later, but I've changed my mind." Mizuki said as he started to twirl the large shuriken around. "YOU'RE FINISHED!" He yelled as he advanced on Iruka's form.

'So this is it?' Iruka thought.

Naruto kicked Mizuki away from Iruka while Narumi knelt down next to Iruka's side.

"Naruto? Narumi?" Iruka questioned as he stared at both of his students, but his gaze lingered on Naruto the most. Mizuki started to get up.

"You shouldn't have done that." Mizuki sneered.

"If you ever lay a hand on my sensei... I'll kill you." Naruto spat.

"Such big words, I could kill you with one shot." Mizuki taunted.

"Try it fool, I'll return the pain a thousand times over." Naruto said.

"Let's see you try, show me what you can do nine tailed fox!" Mizuki yelled.

Iruka stared at his student who's about to fight against another chūnin.

"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Naruto yelled and Iruka and Narumi gasped in shock at the amount of shadow clones.

'There has to be at least a thousand clones.' Narumi thought, staring at the clones before smiling proudly at her older brother.

'Naruto? Those aren't just illusions, they're solid clones, he's mastered an extremely advanced jutsu.' Iruka thought as he smiled at his student.

"What!? What's going on!?!"

Mizuki spun around and everywhere he looked there seemed to be another Naruto there.

"What's wrong? Weren't you going to kill me with one shot?" Naruto taunted.

"If you're not coming..." One of the Naruto clones said.

"Than we're coming after you." Another one finished and they all advanced on Mizuki.

Narumi frowned when she looked at her sensei.

"You're hurt." She said.

"Guess we just have to.." Iruka was cut short when Narumi started to do hand signs.

A minty-green glow started emitting from Narumi's hands as she started healing her sensei. Iruka stared at his female student in surprise. 'She knows medical ninjutsu? That's fantastic and extreme for her.' Iruka thought as Narumi bandaged his wounds.

"There." Narumi smiled at her work. "I had to learn medical ninjutsu because of onii-chan." She explained when she noticed her sensei's surprise.

While Narumi healed Iruka, Naruto defeated Mizuki.

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