chapter 1

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~Narumi's POV~

"Hahahahahaha!" Naruto and I laughed as we ran away from the two chūnins that are currently chasing after us.

"Naruto! Narumi! Get back here!" One of the chūnins yelled.

"Wait until I get my hands on you two!" The other chūnin yelled.

"You crossed the line this time Naruto and Narumi!" The first one continued yelling.

As soon as the first one finished yelling, both Naruto and I jumped in the air and started jumping around the buildings of the Leaf, trying to get away from the two.

"Hahaha! Give it up!" Naruto laughed at our masterpiece.

"You're just mad that you don't have the guts to do what we do! Losers! Wannabes! You'll never catch us!" I yelled out as Naruto and I continued to run away while laughing our heads off.

We both continued to jump around while running away from the chūnins, jumping everywhere and dodging them when they stretched their hands out in order to grab us. We both jumped down to the ground to push off the others following pursuit.

"Naruto! Narumi! Hold on!" The chūnins yelled.

Naruto and I pulled down a camouflage sheet, looked in the direction they went and laughed.

"Hahaha that was too easy." Naruto said, rubbing his neck. I sensed an all to familiar presence behind us.

"Oh yeah Naruto!?" Iruka-sensei yelled in Naruto's ear causing him to jump 50 ft in the air while I just turned around and saw our very angry sensei.

'Oh boy, we are so dead.' I gulped.

"Where'd you come from Iruka-sensei? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, looking up at Iruka-sensei since he was still on the ground and Iruka-sensei pointed at both of us.

"No, what are you doing here? You both are supposed to be in class." He said before he tied up Naruto and started to drag him with me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Naruto was chucked into the classroom while I was placed down, the kids were laughing at the wiggling Naruto on the floor. Iruka-sensei turned to the tied up Naruto on the floor, folding his arms.

"I'm at the end of my rope Naruto, Narumi. You both failed the graduation exam last time and the time before that. Tomorrow you both got another chance and you're messing up again." Iruka-sensei said.

Naruto turned his head and huffed, pouting. Iruka-sensei got an anime vein on his head before facing the class and pointing at us.

"Fine, because both Naruto and Narumi missed it everyone will review the transformation jutsu." He said causing everyone, except Shino and duckbutt, to groan.

I grabbed a kunai out of my pouch before cutting the rope that was holding my brother.

"Thanks Naru-chan! Believe it!" He yelled.

"Don't sweat it, onii-chan." I said and got in line next to him.

~time skip~

"Alright Sakura here, let's do it!" She did the hand sign. "Transform!" She said and poof there was an almost perfect copy of Iruka-sensei.

"Transformed into me. Good." He said writing things down.

"Yes! I did it!" She said cheerfully. "Did you see that, Sasuke-kun?"

"Next, Sasuke Uchiha!"

Sasuke stepped forward and also transformed into Iruka-sensei.

"Ok, good." Iruka-sensei said and started writing things down again.

"Hn." Sasuke turned back into himself before shoving his hands into his pockets and walking away, but I did catch him looking at me out of the corner of his eye making me roll my eyes.

"Next, Naruto Uzumaki!"

"This is a total waste of time, Naruto." Shikamaru said, looking at him with a bored expression.

"We always pay for you and your sister's screw ups." Ino said, her hand on her hips.

"Like I give a damn." Naruto-nii mumbled, his hands on his hips as he walked forward and adjusted his goggles. "Transform!"

When the smoke cleared, there was a busty, naked girl version of Naruto, she blew a kiss at Iruka-sensei. His jaw dropped and he had a massive nosebleed, Naruto turned back and started to laugh.

"Gotcha, that was my sexy no jutsu."


Naruto laughed and so did I.

"Next, Narumi Uzumaki!" Iruka-sensei called and I nodded, still giggling a bit as I stepped forward before putting my hands in the ram seal and transforming into the Third Hokage. Iruka-sensei's jaw dropped in shock and I transformed back.

"Damn, I was thinking about the old man." I muttered before walking to stand next to my brother.

Narumi Uzumaki (Naruto's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now