Chapter one - the flash back

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*It had been three months since Jess and the girls went to see diversity live in Bournemouth. They all thought it was an amazing night and we're planning on going to see Perri live when he performs in splash... Well that was everyone except Jess.*

It was 2am when Jess finally decided to stroll in from her best friends party. The night was supposed to be brilliant, no arguments or fights. Backstabbing or ambulances but, that never happened all because the persons who bullies her the most was there... Perri

"Ugh, why is it EVERYWHERE I go to Perri and the rest of the diversity boys come? The night was supposed to peaceful, full of fun to forget everything that HE has done to me. I tried to be the happiest I can and ignore him but I can't because MY BULLY is ALWAYS there"

"Jess, calm down. I'm sure he doesn't..." But Tasha was cut off by Jess's daydream.

**** flashback ****

"Eek girls the dancing was amazing and now it's time to go and meet the boys" Jordan excitedly half shouted.

"I cannot believe were going to meet them, Jess it's your moment to make sure that Perri never forgets you" Tasha laughed

'Hmmph yeah all that I need after the reply I got from Perri on twitter last night. Who says that they don't want a fan coming to his show after they simply tweeted they're excited to see the boys dance on the show? Oh yeah perri' I thought into my mind.

We soon reached the front if the queue and my heart was pounding, what if he turns out to be the jerk I thought acted like on twitter, I had butterflies in my stomach because I was expecting the worse. The boys were all spread out throughout the room and soon us five girls decided to split to go and see our favourites except me... I stuck with Fran who instantly went to go and see Ash so, I tagged along to avoid meeting Pel.

"Evening girls, I hope that you enjoyed the show" Ash addressed us politely

"Um, yeah it was great thank you " I replied trying to put a smile on my face but before Ash could say anything more Fran came along...

"You were AMAZING Ash, I mean all the boys were great but you were the one who made it perfect as I'm in loveeeee with you" Fran screamed.

"Guys, I'm gonna go to the um... Loo?" I lied through my teeth, I had to get out of here and leave them too it.

*twenty minutes later*

I waited outside for the rest of the girls to come out, I couldn't stand to be in there any longer. They finally came out happy and overjoyed I went along with it but, I decided to smile knowing that nothing bad happened with Perri and I.

Us girls decided to go and buy loads of food from the nearest shop and head back to the hotel for a girly night in. I jumped at the chance. Yay. Once we got back to the hotel which happened to be the same hotel that the diversity boys were staying in, it was just our luck that the film diversity starred in was on the tv. Even more Perri I thought, at least I'm away from him now.

It was about an hour into the film and I had a text from a random number it read 'I told you not to come tonight, you chose to ignore me. Why would you do that when you know I can make your life hell!' What the actual fuck? How did he get my number, I didn't give it to him and it's not on twitter. Ugh I showed the text to the girls and they thought it was all a joke. Why would someone joke about that though, I didn't understand. So I got up and switched the tv off, I told the girls unless one of them admits who gave my number out then I wont be turning the tv off and it's bound to be a long night in a hotel with one another where we haven't got enough signal for internet access. It was a long wait until Tasha finally went on and said

"Jess, can I talk to you in the other room please" I had a feeling that I was about to find out who was the one who gave my number out. I got up and walked into the room I was supposed to be sharing with Tash. I must admit the girl was looking guilty and upset to which I was kinda feeling sorry for her.

"Jess, I'm so sorry I gave him your number!" Tasha cried

"Why? Why would you do that when you were the only person to know what happened on twitter last night, he obviously hates me!" I replied bluntly

"I.. I... I d.."

"Save it Tash, you're supposed to be my best friend but, well now you've fucked it all up" I replied as blunt as I could and walked off. I knew she never meant to hurt anyone but, she has. I needed time to cool off, time to clear my head.

I decided to tell the girls I was gonna go and get us a pizza from the hotel loby, at first Fran offered to come with me but, I just told her to stay so she didn't have to miss the film since the started watching the repeat. Fran soon agreed and went back to watching the film.

I was sat in the lobby on my own waiting for our pizza to arrive, I thought it was better to order from somewhere else so it could take longer. I started to text the girls telling them I'd be about twenty more minutes as I was going to pick up the pizza, I lied but I didn't want them to come and look for me. I knew the diversity boys had arrived back at the hotel because they were sat a few tables In front of me, I was sat by the vending machine so I could watch the delivery man arrive.

"You're a fool for coming here, I warned you" is all I could hear coming for the right of me. I rolled my eyes because I knew who it was, that same person who texted me earlier.

"What do you want, if you don't mind I'm trying to wait for the girls and I dinner to come?" I replied sarcastically. The next thing I heard was the chair next to me being slid out and the boys shouting from across the room "go on pel" or "get in there Pel!" I turned round to face him, the person I was once a fan of.

"Smile, act like you're enjoying talking to me. If you don't I'm going to make your life hell." Ugh that was all I needed, him doing more than he already has done to me.

"Perri seriously, you have already been horrible enough so what more do you wanna do to me?" I replied through my fake smile, I could feel the glares of the other boys.

" I wanna do much more to you then I already have, deal with it" he replied sarcastically. Great, I was hoping for it to end. With that Perri got up and smiled good bye and walked off, the rest of he night was the blur, I just stared at the text all night dreading what was gonna happen next.

****end of flashing back****


In love with my bully - perri kiely fanWhere stories live. Discover now