chapter 6

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Jess's pov--

what did I just do? I cant believe that I just told my secret out. Tash is my best friend, yet I don't know why I cannot tell her things anymore. I feel like I have almost lost her, she'd rather spend her time with Sam then what she would with me. ugh, I miss her... I really miss her, I just don't think I can tell her that. You see now that I have told her that I'm in... in love with Perri I'm scared that it might slip and Sam will find out. Even though Sam is lovely the boys will know that something is up, he cannot hide things from them.

"Jess, what did you say?" Tasha practically shouted.

" You heard me."

"Of course I heard you, but what do you mean?" tash questioned me. how can you say 'what do you mean?' I told her that I was in love with Perri, what's not to understand? This is why I feel that I have lost her, she doesn't seem to understand me anymore. What could have happened within this time that she has been with Sam? How can someone change in such a short amount of time.

"I'm in love with Perri and everything about him. Even if he does make my life hell!" I shouted. I cant keep it in any longer. I love perri and there is nothing stopping that.

"Jess I thought that you hated him?" Tash spluttered.

"that's what I told you, it doesn't mean that I do though does it?" Its out. I love Perri Kiely and im glad its off my chest. If she tells anyone, I'm going to kill her. not literally, but im going to be so angry.

Sorry it has taken so long to update, I don't like writing on my Samsung. I've also lost my ipad charger ( the thing I usually write on) but, now I've found out that I can write on a computer. something that I was unaware of before. Thank you to all the readers, its suddenly jumped from 75 readers the last time I checked. Remember to rate, comment and vote. It's half term now, so im bound to keep updating it this week. Not going out in this horrible British weather.

Jess x

In love with my bully - perri kiely fanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang