Chapter 3 The dreaded date - part 2

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"JESS OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Tasha shouted through the door. The girl had finally done with her boyfriend and now had the time for me... What time was it? Oh yeah it's two in the blimming morning!

"Ugh, Tash it's two in the morning! What could you possibly want at this time?" I kind of replied. I'm not the person someone wants to wake up in the morning, really.

"Please Jess it's important!" Tasha cried

"Ugh fine, but don't say that I don't love you. You know how much I love my sleep."

"Ok, just let me in!" Tasha replied. That girl is so impatient. I rolled myself out of bed and found the light switch, the light burns; I knew that I should have become a vampire. I stumbled to the doorway and let Tash in, she was wide awake and looking perfect. Had they only just got in at this time? Oh I don't think that I want to know.

"Jess, what happened with you earlier? Perri said you walked back to the hotel and went straight to bed. I was really worried!" She slurred whilst she talked, I could tell that she had been drinking. All I need a drunk best friend who turns into an emotional drunk at this time in the morning.

"What part do you want to know?" I replied, why did she care now? Prey girl was too busy with love to care about me earlier.

"The part which made you want to come back to the hotel and not spend time with the rest of us. Do you not understand the meaning of a double date?" She replied. Oh that girl had cheek, telling me that I should spend more time with all of them because it's a double date. I didn't see her that bothered when she spent the whole afternoon with Sam.

"Tash, you're obviously drunk so it doesn't matter." I replied, I love Tash but, I couldn't be bothered with it now.

"No, you've spoilt a good day so tell me!" She snapped. I ruined a good day? No I think that Perri ruined it. I feel tears run down my face, I can't take it. I need my best friend but, it doesn't seem like she needs me.

"Well Perri kissed me..." I replied, I was on the verge of breaking down.

"Jess babe, don't cry. Perri likes you I bet." She replied, she sounded a bit more caring.

"Perri likes me? How can he like me?" I reply, Ive broken down now. It's horrible, I hate this.

"you're amazing, humeruous, caring and beautiful just not when you've just woken up or have been crying. Stop crying, you're making yourself ugly!" Tasha laughed. That made me smile, trust my best friend to say something like that.

"No, he's bullied me ever since I got that reply on twitter. Those texts, the way he threatens me. The boy makes me feel so low. After everything he has put me through he has the cheek to turn around and kiss me!" I tremble

"That boy is a loser, I'm sorry for making you come. I should have thought." Tasha replied now crying

"Don't be sorry, you wanted a friend and it's the least I could do is be here for you. The worst thing about this is that I like him, a lot." I reply. Having a heart to heart on a date at 2 in the morning, well that's not something usual.

"That boy doesn't deserve you, at Sam's party we're going to hook you up with someone" Tasha laughed

"I love you!" I smiled.

"I love you too" she smiled

"No go and let me sleep!" I demanded

"Ok, I'm waking you up at 7 tomorrow and I'm taken your spare key!" She laughed

"Ugh fine go!"

"Bye" she chuckled to herself. And with that I got back into bed and tried to get back to sleep. My best friend is the best.

😝😝💗 new chapter, I'm updating it so often haha! Hope you like it, the next one has Perri and Sam in so don't go away. Will sam find out about the kiss? Rate, comment and share. Follow me on Instagram and I'll follow you back! Jess xxx 💗😝😝

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