Chapter 5

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Sorry it's taken so long to update. We've got to love he great British weather '-'


Sam's pov:

I feel so sorry for Jess. Perri is such a jerk. I don't even know why he is acting like this, everyone thinks that he is acting strange but, he won't tell anyone why. I'm supposed to be one of his Best friends, his brother. What can I do to help? Tash is constantly upset knowing that her best friend is upset. All because Perri is horrible, what is wrong with him... He never acts like this.

*texts to Tasha*

Tash- sorry, I was on the phone to Fran. Hope you and the boys are ok. Miss

Sam - it's ok babe, I was at the gym with Mitch anyway. I miss you

Tash - I'm thinking about seeing jess, she's not picking up her phone. I can't wait to see

Sam - she's your bestfriend, she can't ignore you forever. Go and see her, it's all Perri's fault. I can't wait to see you too. Not long till my birthday!;)xxx

Tash - ok, well I'll go and see her. Bye love you. Xxx

Sam - love you too. Xxx

I feel so bad for her, she's been upset since the day we came home. It's not her fault, though she still feels that she is to blame. All because my bestfriend is an idiot and cannot treat a girl correctly. I know that Perri likes her, he just doesn't know yet because he's too caught up in trying to pull some slutty girls.

Tasha pov:

I cannot believe how nervous I am to go and see my bestfriend. I've seen her so many times before so why is it this time it upsets and scares me? Is it because I feel that I'm to blame? Uh. I wish things never had to turn out like this. I can see Jess's house now, my heart is pounding inside.

*knock, knock, knock*

That's weird, there is no answer yet I can hear Jess's music. I know it's hers be causes he's the only one who likes that arctic monkeys. Do I go in or do I leave? I don't know. Well I cannot leave this any longer, she is my bestfriend. I have to go in.

"Jess, are you here?" I yelled up the stairs.

"Yeh.h.. Who is it? I have a baseball bat!" She shouted. Haha, doesn't even recognise my voice.

"It's Tash" I said whilst strolling up the stairs.

"What do you want?"Jess snapped.

"Look, you're my bestfriend. You can't just ignore me forever, we need to sort this out." I replied. Hoping that she'd let me talk to her.

"Ok. Come up." She replied. I strolled up the stairs to find jess sitting on her bed. She looks a mess.

"Look Jess we really need to sort things out, I miss you." I said.

"Yeah we do... Is it just me or do things feel awkward?" She replied. Thank goodness I'm not he only one who feels like this.

"Yeah it shouldn't though... Look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forced on that date especially after everything has happened." I replied

"It's not your fault..." She replied.

"Yes it is... It isn't yours.?" Man I feel so bad,

"It kinda is?" She said looking guilty.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't understand do you?"

"I'm in l...l... With him" she replied shivering.

"What Jess?" Ugh why can't she talk normally?

Ok I think I'm in love with Perri?!" She said, although it was that quick I could barely understand.

"What do you mean? You hated pel."

OK, I LOVE PERRI KIELY WITH ALL MY HEART!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.


Oh cheeky, wasn't expecting that were you?;) read, comment and vote! Jess

If you have Instagram follow me :3 - jess_h0ward xx

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