Chapter 3 the dreaded date part 3

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😝😝💗 make sure you read to the end as I have an important note. Enjoy this chapter💗😝😝


"Ughhh" I groaned. It's now 7 In the morning and I'm up before I'm supposed to be. I'm dreading today, I'm just hoping that now Tasha knows what happened that she'll stick by me today and not leave me with Perri.

Oh yeah and talking about Perri his name has just flashed up on my samsung screen.

*1 new message from Perri kiely*

I slide it open to reveal the text

'Morning Jess, you're a kill joy as you've ruined the date for everyone. I'm not sorry for what I did I was only looking for a bit of fun because being with two love birds makes me kinda want... Um sex. Don't think we're friends, I still hate you. Sorry not sorry. Pel'

Ugh that boy, how dare he! If Sam and Tash wasn't on a date then I'd storm up to his room and slap him... I hate him but have feelings for him at the same time. Enough of him! I'm going to get in the shower, dress nicely and ignore him all day. I'm not going to even look at that boy.

*40 minutes later*

I'm now ready for the day ahead and certainly ready to go home. I've only got to wait until four then well off back home baby! Yay

"Jess, you need to get up now." Tasha whispered. The girl looks dead hahah, she's certainly not ready and I am.

"I'm already up and ready. Damn girl you look a mess this morning!" I laughed. I don't even wanna know what her and Sam were up to last night for her to be to tired today.

"Thanks Jess, meet us downstairs in 15 minutes as we're having breakfast then going shopping" she replied. Before long had made a swift exit. I now have 15 minutes to kill by myself so I might as well go and have a coffee in the café.

" why are you down here?" I heard a nasty voice say behind me.

"Um well obviously getting myself a drink, why do you care?" I snapped. By this point I had turned around to face Perri. If he doesn't like me then why doesn't he leave me alone. Ugh.

"Just go Jess, no one wants you here!" He snapped. Wait what?

"I'm not wanted here? Who by?" I asked.

"Everyone, Tasha even agreed at dinner yesterday!" Wait. Tasha doesn't want me here? What sort of best friend says that? Ugh whatever I'm going to go.

"Well fine then, if no one wants me here then I'll go. I'll be back at 4 to go home when we check out. If they bother asking then I'm shopping on my own." I snapped and walked off.

"Jess wait I..." Perri called out. I had walked off that fast that I couldn't here the rest of what he had to say. If they didn't want me in there then I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go and buy myself something nice and maybe flirt with some boys whilst I'm at it. Haha who am I kidding, I really like Perri no matter how much of a jerk he is.

*1 hour later*

I've only been into schuh (for those who don't know it's a shoe shop) I've bought myself some converse, nike Pegasus, new balance's and converse. They joys of having a rich dad hey? Not that anyone else knows, they all think that my stepdad is my real dad... Well everyone apart from Tasha. I think I'm gonna go into Treds to get myself a new bag and urban outfitters to buy a new wardrobe. Haha, I'm actually having an amazing date.

Suddenly I hear some familiar voices from behind me. Oh no they've found me, where do I go? I look next door to me to find a sex toy store, I cannot go in there haha no. I'd rather have them see me.

"Jess! There you are we've been looking for you!" Tasha cried.

"You've got to be kidding me. Leave me alone ok?" I replied

"Jess, seriously!" Sam replied

" seriously? Why don't you all just leave me alone seeing as none of you want me here." I replied, Im starting to walk off at a fast pace. Before long I realised how far I've walked and turned around to see if I was out of sight which I was. Good. Now to do some shopping before I have to face them again. The joys. I just cannot wait to get home.

*later on at 4pm*

I'm back at the hotel and waiting by the car with all my stuff. They're all checking out now but I said I'd wait by the car. Rather keep it to as little talk as possible. I see Perri start to walk out towards me soon followed by Tash and Sam hand in hand. Even though I was in a mood earlier. Tash still never bothered to text me to see if I'm ok. That's the smallest thing she could have done couldn't she? Ugh I don't know. The girls too caught up with her new boyfriend to care about here bestfriend.

*20 minutes later*

"Jess, please talk to me. We can't go a whole 2 hour journey without talking." Tasha whimpered.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, I'm not in the mood for talking at the moment." I snapped. I can't believe that girl she only talks to me when it suits her.

"I don't know why you're being such a bitch Jess. We've done nothing to you! Grow up!" Perri shouted. Seriously? Why is he getting involed.

"You're not really one to talk you dick!" I muttered. I knew he heard as he gave me evils in the mirror. Why do I like that boy? He's not even worth any of my time.

"Jess please talk to me?" Sam said. That's one of the first things he's said to me all weekend.

"Thank you but I'd like to keep to myself right now." I replied. I smiled trying to be polite. Sam smiled back but looked worried about me. Worried about me? Why? I don't even understand.

*1 hour and 50 minutes later*

We're pulling up to my house now, thank goodness. I cannot wait to be on my own and reflect on everything. I see the sight of my house and it made me smile. I'm not particularly close to my mum but it seems right now I'm closer to her then what I am with Tasha.

"Jess here's your stop." Perri snapped. Darn, who shat in his cornflakes this morning.

"Thanks for coming Jess, we'll talk later yeah?" Tasha smiled.

"Um yeah sure" I replied. We probably wouldn't speak.

"Sure you're ok Jess?" Sam asked. Now he cares?

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"Ok. Never mind." He said quickly. I shut the door and hurried to my front door. As soon as I opened the door I heard the car drive off. Finally I'm away from them. Home at last!

😝😝💗 hey guys, thank you for reading. Remember to read, share and comment. I'm not going to be updating every night now, I'm currently doing GCSE's so. I'll do it often though. As long as people keep reading. Hope you enjoyed this. The next chapter involves the chat between Tash and Jess. Oh and stuff kicks off between Sam and Perri. Keep reading for more!💗😝😝

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