Step 38: Admire

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Jack had found over the course of their flight, that Hopper was a lot like Kloee and Zoey. She seemed to live a very impulsive life, but she was happy about it.

"So, what's your story? I mean a sad looking, green haired cutie flying to Ireland has got to have some exciting details." Hopper nudged his arm. He didn't think he was so sad about leaving but if Hopper could see it on his face, he probably was. She called him a cutie though, that made him smile.

"I left Ireland, and came to America, ended up meeting someone, dating him, and I guess it just wasn't working out too well. The only problem was that I couldn't face him, so he's probably just finding out that I'm not there. He paid for me to get this," Jack gestured to his faded green hair. "And, quite frankly, I don't want it anymore. Or any of my tattoos, he brought me to get them all done." Jack stopped, thinking about everything, and how much Mark had changed his life.

"Do you have anywhere to go? It kinda sounds like you settled down in The States. I mean you don't have to tell me," Hopper paused like she was going to keep talking but she was waiting for Jack to reply.

"Well," Jack thought about it. His mom didn't know he was on his way back, and he assumed she wasn't going to welcome him with open arms when she originally sent him away. Maybe staying away from every one who he knew would help him out, giving him a fresh take on life. "I guess I haven't really thought that far ahead."

"So, here's an idea, which I completely understand if you don't like it, but I'm going to rent an apartment, and it's got two bedrooms." Jack looked at her, slightly confused. She wanted him to live with her? "You seem like the kinda guy I wouldn't mind being around all the time."

Jack looked forward; Hopper, who he just met a few hours ago, was willing to give him a place to live. He wished he could be that bold and positive, maybe things with Mark would have ended a little better. "I mean, God, sure. I can't promise I'll be the best room mate, but I can certainly try."

"Great! I was looking at this place online, and down the street there's a cute little coffee shop, and like 20 minutes away is a store, and as soon as settle in a little bit I'm heading there. Two reasons, they're hiring, they sell furniture, and every other thing you could possibly need, plus fish. I think an aquarium in the living room would be like a nice final touch to the place. What do you think?" Hopper made it out like she was moving to Ireland on a whim, but now it was obvious she did some research and planning, which was good.

"As long as we can get some cool looking fish." Jack said with a smile. He was excited to move in and to be living with someone who wouldn't be pressuring him to do what they wanted, or making plans without his say, or making him eat lunch with their friends that practically ignored Jack at least once a week. 

"Oh you have no idea, what I have in mind." Hopper said with a smirk.

"I don't think I've ever been more exited to move in with a stranger, have you?" Jack looked to her hoping she was excited too. She shook her head, thanking the flight attendant for offering the two small bags of peanuts.

"Never in a million years, and if you told me this would happen as I was waiting at the airport, I probably would have called you crazy." She stated, handing Jack one of the bags. 

just a short chapter for a long week
also i still play pokemon go

not related to anything, but i thought you all would like to know

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