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The town around us has no idea what is about to happen, and hopefully they won't even notice. I have a plan for everything that could possibly happen. I stand in a corner scanning people's faces, waiting for the right one, the signal. This seems like a very cliché moment, but I have been sent on this mission for a very good reason. I am the only one that can do this job. A women with long grey hair approaches me. That's it. I move into position and just as expected I'm met with a pair of dark green eyes.

The basket he held is now on the ground along with its contents he just got from the market. "I'm so sorry sir. Forgive me. Here let me help." I say in my best panicked voice. "It's okay ma'am. I got it." His smooth voice and accent took me off guard for a split second. I bent down and reached for some fruits to pick up. We picked up the contents without speaking.

One orange was left on the ground. My fingers wrap around it when I feel warmth surround my hand leading up my arm and through the rest of my body. I look up and his deep green eyes are on me. I said I had a plan for everything, but I do not have a plan for this. This was unexpected. He slowly pulls his hand away and the cold fills in where warm used to be. I shivered and popped back up, handing him the fruits I grabbed. But I kept one to myself to see if he would notice.

I smiled and walked off, but not too far before he turned me back around. "I'd like my apple back ma'am." His smooth voice sent another shiver down my spine. "Right. Sorry about that." I said, but his facial expressions told me he didn't fall for it. I guess he really is a professional.

As I stride off I can still feel his gaze on me and my heart refuses to slow down. I was not prepared to possibly have a thing for one of the people I'm supposed to be against.

Someone bumps my arm and I turn around ready to snap but freckle face continuously muttering sorrys interrupts me. "I'm so sorry please forgive me." She said repeatedly. Hoping she wouldn't recognize me, I shrugged and walked away.

I walk into the cold building in the middle of town. The perfect place to hide something is in plain sight. People glance at me as I walk in and I go straight to the bathroom. Looking around me I tap on the glass in front of me. It vibrates a little and then stops. I walk into the third stall and push on the wall next to the toilet. It twists into another room and my eyes are greeted with tv screens that monitor the whole town, metal walls and people in chairs with headsets.

"Welcome back. Did you make your first encounter?" Said my boss. Her long, straight blonde hair laid over her firm shoulders. She walked beside me with power and strength and her heels clicked with every step. "Yes ma'am. It went exactly as expected. Just testing the waters as you said. I also ran into the girl. She did not recognize me." I said as we turned a corner.  She glanced and nodded at me. "Good. You know the rest of the plan. Get on with it and keep me updated."

"Yes ma'am" I turned around as she kept walking with her head high. I made it to my desk and pulled up the town square footage. Scanning the crowd I finally found him. It bugs me that she is always with him. I monitor them until they go back to their hotel. Once I clock out I walk out a door into a big parking lot. Getting into my car, I drive home.


After I catch up with Braden we continue to shop and visit in the town square. He wanted to go straight to the King and Queen, or my parents I guess, but I told him to wait. I love the square, everyone here is nice and polite, unlike L.A. "Would you like some fresh bread ma'am?" Said and older man, his scruffy cheeks stretching as he smiled at us. "No thank you." Said Braden and I elbowed him in the side and glared at him. I turned my attention back to the old man and smiled bigger."Of course we would. How much would it be?"
He waved his hand at us and turned toward a shelf filled with steaming bread.

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