Chapter 2

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Kade POV

Ellie and I stride carefully behind Olivia as we explore our surroundings. I can't help but look at Olivia. Olivia. My 4 year crush. But she only sees me as a friend.

So I have no hope.

I love everything about her. Her long Auburn hair that she keeps in a high ponytail, her big brown eyes that look so innocent but hold many dark secrets, and her personality. She's smart, funny, witty and very pretty. But I am certain that she knows it.

"Uummm Kade?" A soft, sweet voice knocks me back into sense. "Did you hear what I said?" I pretend I heard and quickly nod my head. Phew. Nice save Kade.

Olivia rolls her beautiful eyes. Max leans over to her. "He does this when he's thinking about something super important." I blush. "Wow thanks Max," I retort. "Can't I have my private thoughts anymore?" Max laughs. "No." I glare at my friend so hard I lose my focus. "Ow!" I yell.

I look down at my ankle. It's not injured, but bruised. "Great," Olivia sighs. "Now someone will have to look after little town boy while the other two continue to look around." Max flexs his "muscles" (Get the sarcasm) "I'll be the big, strong man to look after either one of you pretty ladies." Olivia snorts. "Yeah Max, Ellie and I have more chance of surviving with us two than you. Knowing you Max, you'd probably run away first thing." Max raises his arms in surrender. "Yeah, you got me."

Olivia picks up a gigantic stick and snaps it in half to reveal jagged spikes. "Ok Ellie, get your ass over here I've got us weapons so let's go." I smile. Olivia is such a natural born leader. With her big brown eyes it's hard not to just smile. Whack! A whack across the face brings me to my senses. I look up, and see Max grinning at me, holding a leafy branch. "Ok bro" he says. "Are you ready to finally tell me everything?" He queries.

I nod. "Yeah," I grin. "I'm ready."

Max and I sit under a birch tree. "Ok bro, so spill," he orders. I laugh falsely, hoping he forgets about it. "Oh nothing to worry about." Max rolls his eyes. My best friend knows me to well to even try to trick him. "Do what's going on with you and Olivia?" He queries. I breath in. Time to finally tell someone about my 4 year crush. "It's complicated," I begin. "I rea-"

I'm cut off by a high pitched scream. "Kade, Max we found something!" I guess my secret will have to wait until another day...

Authors note:
Hey guys! Sorry to leave you in suspense. I thought that it is the best way to end this chapter. So anyway next chapter. What does Olivia and Ellie find? Does Max's feelings for Ellie begin to blossom? And most importantly, where are they? Find out next time in Playing With Fire!

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