Chapter 5

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Olivia POV

Mr Newmart continued. "You were all put in here because you're special."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Kade asks. "Like, special needs?"

"You all have a range of superpowers," Mr Newmart says.

Max has his usual sceptical look on his face. "Yeah whatever Grayson." Mr Newmart becomes agitated. "If you call me by my first name again Max Richards, you WILL be sorry."

Max laughs. "Whatever old man." I giggle. You have to admire Max's guts. I'd never say anything like that, because he could be dangerous. Mr Newmart holds up his hand; then suddenly Max is pushed to the ground like someone tripped him. "What the hell?" He says. "Newmart you better tell me what's going on here now." Mr Newmart sighs. "I guess there's no point in keeping you kids in the dark anymore."

"Ok," Mr Newmart starts. "You were put because like I said before, you're special and we need your help. You 4 are the generation of superheroes and THIS is your ultimate test." "Sweet!" Kade, Ellie, Max and I chorus. "Ok," he continues, "you were put in here to find your way out. When you are free, you will be fully fledged superheroes."

"Awesome!" We chorus.

"So," Mr Newmart continues, "who wants to find out what super powers they have?"

"Mmmeee!!" Max, Kade, Ellie and I yell.

"OK," Mr Newmart begins, "one of you has the powers of telekinesis and creating almost indestructible force fields. That person is Ellie."

My bestie looks shocks; but recovers quickly. "Okay."

"Another person has the powers to read minds and the power of making other people see alarmingly real optical illusions. That person is Max." Max laughs. "Yeah whatever Grayson, keep bullshitting me. Whatever makes you feel happy."

Mr Newmart ignores Max and continues. "The next person has invisibility, super smarts, and healing. That's Kade's powers." I glance at Kade. He smiles. I know he's always wanted invisibility. It's his favourite superhero power.

Lucky guy.

"And finally, Olivia has the powers of laser eyes, super speed, the ability to sense danger, and the power to make light come out of her hands." I gasp in shock. "I have 4 powers!?!" I say in shock.

" Yeah, how come Ellie and I only get 2 powers each!" Max protests.

"Shut up Max." Kade argues. "Well I gotta go," Mr Newmart finishes.

"And just remember kids, use those matches wisely; if you play with fire, you might just get burned." And with that, he steps into the fire and teleports away.

"What the hell?" Max asks. "That guy is obviously stuffed up." "I, I, I think he's telling the truth" Ellie stammers. "Yeah," Kade agrees. "Why would he go through all this trouble to prank us?"

A million thoughts race through my head.

Do I really have powers?

How can I unlock them?

Where are we?

Are we safe?

Will we ever get out of here?

All these are questions I don't know the answer to. Kade looks thoughtful. "Hey Ellie" he says. "Ask me a maths question." "Sure," Ellie replies. "Ok,"genius boy," what's 104,000 times 690?" Kade thinks for a second then replies "71,760,000."

Ellie pulls out her phone. "That's correct." "So I really have super smarts?" Kade asks. "Obviously," Max replies. We all lay down to rest; dreaming of finding out the rest of our super powers.

Me however; I dream about Kade and the minute I can finally rest in his arms.

Authors note:
Sorry I've been inactive lately

Love you all bye!

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