Chapter 7

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Ellie POV
This will be the most epic chapter yet!!!

I sleepily yawn. I then stand up to see Olivia and Kade. "Morning guys," I groggily mumble. "Morning Ellie," Olivia and Kade chorus. I smile. They are an adorable couple. Kolivia. Wait, that's an adorable ship name!! Kolivia 4 life😘!

"So do you guys have any breakfast?" I question. Kade nods. "Yeah we found some blackberries at the brambles by where we found the note," Olivia says. I grab a handful of the juicy berries and stuff my face.

"Oh so good," I moan. "No shit Sherlock, why else would we be eating them?" Olivia rudely says. I glare at her. "Maybe coz we don't want to starve?"

"Where the hell is breakfast?" A sudden rude voice erupts from beside me. It's Max. Olivia stands up; with the amazingly delicious berries in her hand. "It's right here." Max thanks her with a beaming smile; showing his amazing pearly white teeth. Wait. What!!!! N n n no it can't be! Max has feelings for..... Olivia?!?

Olivia. My best friend. Or so I thought. Is she really my friend? Or is she lying right to my face? I can't believe her. Max Richards, my bloody 2 year crush! Olivia Rose Langman you have stolen so much from me. My spot on the basketball A team, my lead role in the school play, my speech that ended up being YOUR winning speech, and now this. I can't believe it! Olivia, you BETTER watch your back. Because people who play with fire are gonna get burned.

"Ellie Wellie!" A voice calls. I clench my teeth. I can't believe she just called me that! And in front of Max! I open my eyes to see Max, Kade and Olivia all laughing at me. I glare at them.

"Seriously?!?" Max guffaws. "Ellie Wellie!?! Classic!" Olivia beams at him. "Well, we did call her that until the start of this year." (It's March in the story)

Max glances at me. He walks over and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Look who just got a nickname for life," he smirks.

"Asshole." I say. Why Olivia?!? Why?!?

A million thoughts run through my head. But my emotions get the better of me and I sprint off. I run and run and run til I can't anymore; so I sit down under a oak tree.

I cry. I cry until there's no tears left, then sit in silence. With a burst of dust; suddenly Olivia super speeds in front of me. "Stop being a baby Ellie, and come back to camp now!" She commands.

I look at her; my tear streaked face covered in realisation. He'll never like me. Max will always go for the popular girl.

"M M M Max likes you Olivia, not me." I say sobbing. Olivia looks at me; one eyebrow raised. "Well, yeah of course he does. Let's face it Ellie, you may be pretty, but you'll never stand up for what YOU want."

I stare at her in shock. She's right. I am a wet blanket, always trying to please other people, not myself. I've always been considerate and look where it's left me.


I glare at Olivia; realising that my friend isn't so sweet after all.

"Bitch!!" I yell. "Well at least I'm actually LIKED!" Olivia retorts.

Ooh shots fired I think. That's enough. I hold up my index and middle finger on my right hand, to my head in frustration, and casually flick it. Olivia goes flying.


I just mastered telekinesis!

Olivia POV
I hold my cupped hands together and suddenly, a ball of green light grows in my hands. I smirk.

You're done Ellie.

Back to Ellie POV
Olivia throws a ball of light at me. I skilfully create a force field and duck. Olivia's ball of light pierces my force field; but the force field doesn't break.

I do a back-flip using my telekinesis to help. While Olivia watches gobsmacked; I fling her on a tree trunk and on the ground. She grunts in pain. I smile. "It's over now Olivia." She glares at me; full of extreme hatred. "For now." I laugh. "And you have 4 powers and I only have 2!"

I stride off into the thick bush; heading for camp. But the bad feeling never leaves the pit of my stomach. That won't be the last fight, I think grimly.

There will definitely be more shots fired.

Authors note:
How did you like that chapter? I made it showing the frustration between the 2 besties over the years and it finally reaching breaking point! And what did you think of that fight? This chapter is personally dedicated to one of my besties. Shots fired is one of her favourite things to say, especially when our teacher roasts someone, so this chapter is dedicated to her.

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