XVII. Angels Exist

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Allo lovies! It's been a while. I've been busy with these stories! But Belle has spoken to me today and so I decided to give you all a little something that prodded at my mind today. This story isn't one I would normally write but it's unique I guess! I do want to see it through!

The witch stared between the two of them with delight as Sebastian spoke the words.

"I'm sorry, Belle."

Belle stared up at him in confusion.

"What do you mean you're sorry?" She grabbed his arm, waiting for an explanation but he wouldn't look her in the eyes.

"Oh, what do we have here?" The witch stepped forward with a smirk on her wrinkled face, reavealing the yellow teeth beneath. "Trouble in paradise?" She mused.

Belle snapped her head towards the witch, giving her an angry snarl. "I want to know what's going on!"

Sebastian cringed at her shrill voice, the beast inside him wanted to comfort her but the man inside him knew what she would do if she learned the truth. That it wasn't just Belle breaking the curse.... It was her being marked by him and turning into what he was as well. It was them mating and having children – Lycan children, in the future.

She didn't know that part and he hadn't wanted to tell her until she had felt something in her heart for him. The moment she said she wasn't leaving him, he thought maybe she felt something for him – anything, even if it was just friendship.

Belle let out an aggravated scream, stomping off into the castle, away from Sebastian and the witch. She had had enough of the games that were being played. If she wanted answers, she was going to have to get them herself. She made her way to her room, with one person in mind.

Abigail. She would know.

Meanwhile, downstairs, the witch met Sebastian's blue eyes, narrowing hers on him as she thought.

"She isn't very much a lady, is she? A little rough around the edges." She mused, glancing at the space where Belle had run away in frustration.

"She's modern." Sebastian growled, debating on how much it would hurt him if he just bit into her neck right here.

"I have a proposition." She announced, catching Sebastian's attention. He looked over at the old woman with eyes as dark as night, a sickening smile on her face.

"If you can manage to make her stay and she kisses you before the last petal falls – a kiss of true love, once she knows everything – then I will change you back to human along with your siblings. All the servants in the castle will be freed from their confines and Belle will be able to live the rest of her life without knowledge of you. This is my promise." She nodded, seeing the confusion in his eyes.

"Why." Sebastian growled. "Why make me go through that if you are going to let me live and make her forget. Why? You can't possibly let me live if the Vampires don't want me alive. They know about me. This is just some elaborate plan that-"

"I said I promised." The witch glowered up at him. "I can change you back to human. No one else can do that but me because I'm the one who cursed you. Once my curse is lifted, I can let you live. But, Belle must go back to her regular life and she will forget all about her stay here. She can't know about you or what has happened."

Sebastian glared at the old woman, his mind in a whirlwind of thoughts.

"So, if you can change me back to human, why not do it? Why not now? You know as well as I do that I didn't deserve that punishment. I didn't deserve this curse. I may have been a womanizing asssholee but I've changed. Having four hundred and some odd years will do that to a person. Especially when you look as ugly as me. So, tell me, why. Why make me suffer more?" He was angry but his tone held a little hint of desperation.

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