The Break up

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Rachel called me on my cell when i was tying my shoes ready to go on a run. I hoped that she would make this quick so i could run before it got dark. I answered"Hello" "Oh My God Emma Ash just broke up with me"she sounded very emotional."Calm down Rachel why did he break up with you" my best friend managed to get out"he said he liked someone else" then she started sobbing again, I don't understand why she's so upset they've been dating for 2 weeks and he was a badboy she knew she was going to end up hurt. "Do you want me to come over there" i really hoped she said no"No thanks i'm good i'm just gonna go shopping" even with a broken heart she was still Rachel "Okay just call me if you need anything." "okay bye luv you""yeah luv you too"I hung up and walked out of my room. I went to the kitchen to find my two older brothers Adam and Trey, Adams head was in the fridge and Trey was sitting on the island, stuffing his face with ice-cream i ran over to him and took the containar away from him "HEY" ''Your not gonna be 17 and hot forever better lay off the ice cream" he just sits there and shrugs then continues eating. Boys . I go for my 3 mile run then jump in the shower and climb in my bed tomorrow is a new day and since it's Sunday i'm gonna sleep in then go to the mall.

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