The transition

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I wake up the next morning with a groan. I'm happy that it's Sunday, it's my off day, I stayed up too late last night. I get out of bed and change into Jean shorts and a sweatshirt, I throw my hair up in a ponytail, and then I head downstairs. I see that everybody is seated at the table besides me, there's only one seat and it's beside Ash, I quietly take my seat as my parents eyes stare at me and Ash. "If you want to hold hands, we won't stop you" says my dad Ash grabs ahold of my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine before setting them on the table, my mom smiles and begins to eat. I start to eat my pancakes and then realize that Ash is looking at me I turn towards him "what" I say continuing to eat " you're so cute when you eat" he says blushing a little I hear gagging sounds and look over at my two brothers who are both acting like their throwing up "oh I love you so much" says Adam turning to Trey who bats his eyes back at Adam "okay, okay we get that you two idiots are in love now shut it" says my dad looking at my brothers, who in turn laugh but continue eating.
After breakfast Ash says he has a suprise for me and tells me to go get ready when I ask him what I should wear he says something that is comfortable to walk around in. I decide on white Jean shorts and a navy blue crop top I throw my hair up in a bun on the top of my head and put some light makeup on and then put on some dark blue high top converse and grab my raybans and meet Ash downstairs. He's wearing a short sleeve black v-neck with black shorts converse and raybans. This boy looks good in sunglasses. He looks me over then grabs my hand and leads me over to the front door, he releases my hand and pulls open the door for me. I walk thru into the warm air he follows me out and grabs my hand on the way to the car. He opens the door for me and I slid into his car, he then climbs into the drivers seat and starts the car once he's pulled out of our driveway he sets his hand on my knee and squeezes it.
We've been driving for a couple of hours in silence before Ash reaches over and opens up the glove compartment he pulls out a blindfold and hands it to me "here put this on we're almost there" he says turning on his blinker I don't know where there is but we've been driving on the interstate for hours so I listen to him and slip the blindfold on. After about 30 minutes after we drove off the interstate Ash stops the car and turns it off. He opens his door and gets out and shuts it he then walks over to my side and opens up my door he Unbuckled my seat belt and grabs my hand he helps me out of the car. He stands me up and then stands behind me "okay you can take the blindfold off" he says leaning down whispering in my ear I reach up and take the blind fold off and look around were surrounded by cars but I can still tell where we are there's a huge sign that says Disney world less than 30 feet in front of us I turn around and look at Ash "you brought me to Disney world" I say excited "Is that where we are I thought we were at the beach" he says smiling " you're like the best boyfriend ever" I say jumping into his arms and giving him a kiss on the lips " wait aren't I you're first boyfriend so I'm also the worst since you have nothing to compare me to" he asks pulling back from the kiss " shut up" I say grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the happiest place on earth.
We've spent most of the day here and we're waiting in line to get cotton candy before going to see the fireworks I play with the necklace around my neck Ash insisted he buy me one it has a picture of me and him kissing in it and is in the shape of the castle here. We finally get to the front of the line and Ash orders one blue cotton candy and pays for it he holds it in one hand and grabs ahold of my other hand, I don't know what is with him and holding my hand but he loves to do it. We find a park bench close enough to see the fireworks and we sit down and start eating the cotton candy. I'm laughing about how Ash's tongue is turning blue when the shots start. Ash grabs my hand and pulls me up he looks around for a way out, I'm still in shock how is someone shooting people at Disney world isn't it supposed to be the happiest place on earth. We start running to where people are flooding out of the side gates were almost there when Ash gets hit and falls to the ground bringing me down with him. I land on top of him and see that he's been shot in the leg "stay down" he whispers in my ear I do as I'm told and when someone walks towards us they decide that were down for good and they walk away. I don't know how long we stay like that but then I start hearing the sirens a while later a paramedic comes up to us and kneels down he's in his mid thirties and looks at me "were you shot" he asks I shake my head no and he looks at Ash who is looking like he could pass out at any moment he looks down at Ash's leg and nods his head he takes his radio and calls for an ambulance he helps me up "it's okay their all gone" he says pitting his arm around me  I look around and see people lying in the streets that hours ago were filled with people with smiles now are filled with many laying in agony. "Don't worry he'll be fine and nobody died" the paramedic says I look back at Ash to see that he's now unconscious and being lifted onto a gurney. "Do you want to come to the hospital" he asks I nod my head yes and follow him to where Ash is being lead to an ambulance they lift him up and set him inside and climb in after him I follow suit and prepare to watch the man I love fight for his life.

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