How to deal with a problem

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"So you're not even going to talk about it" Ash asks me two weeks later as we're sitting down for lunch "no this is me dealing with it" I say taking the seat next to him "babe you have to do somethingabout it I hate knowing that every time we're together he's watching us" he says setting his tray next to mine "then tell me how you would deal with it" I say unwrapping my sandwich "well I would love to punch him in the face " he says taking a bite of his sandwich "that's not dealing with it that would only make the problem worse" I say taking hold of his hand under the table, he shrugs but intertwines his fingers with mine, Matthew a guy who is on the football team with Ash sets his plate across from us "so you ready for practice afterschool" he asks Ash taking a bite of his mac and cheese "wait practice, I thought you said you would go and help me find a dress for mom and dad's fancy dinner and we have to go get you fitted for a suit" I say turning to Ash "and we will how about we blow off the rest of school and go to the mall get you a dress and me a suit then I can drop you off at home then go to practice" he says I consider saying no but then realize that I can't take anymore of Aaron staring at us "fine but you owe me" I say before standing up, Ash grabs mine and his plates and grabs ahold of my hand before leading me over to the door  we walk out the door into the deserted hallway "so what can I do to repay you for skipping school with me " he says stopping "well you could kiss me" I say stepping closer he puts his hand behind my head and leans down   when our faces are only an inch apart the door opens and Aaron walks in, he sees me and Ash and hurt flashes across his face but then he says "man moving fast Emma" he says before walking out. Man why does my life have to be so complicated.
We get to the mall and walk in a little botique I walk over to the dresses and look at a long purple one, and show it to Ash " no blue is more your color " he says he then holds up a short dress that is close to black bit is still blue it has sparkles all on the top that fade all the way to the bottom I really like it so I walk over and grab it from him and head to the dressing rooms. I take my clothes off and slip the dress on its made of silk and comes in at my waist then let's out to about 2 inches above my knee I like it and have to admit that I look good in it I open up the door and walk over to where Ash is looking at dress shirts he turns around when he hears me and his eyes grow wide" woah" he says still looking at me "do I look okay" I say suddenly feeling uncomfortable "no, you look hot" he says walking over to me" you're gonna get it right" he says "yes I guess" I say walking away.

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