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After me and Ash get out of the parking lot we split up, i started to walk towards Rachel but thought it was a bad idea so i turned and walked towards the school. I saw Aaron and walked towards him. Aaron, Rachel and me have all been friends for as long as i can remember, then Rachel started dating a lot of boys we got to high school and the next thing we know is Rachel is queen bee and i'm her little lap dog that she drags along and Aaron's totally out of the picture, me and Aaron still hang out but not as much as we used to. I walk over to him and give him a hug i see Abigail and Josh talking near us. It's a wonder that Aaron has never had a girlfriend i mean he's cute he has sandy blonde hair blue eyes  has perfecty tanned skin, he's also 6'4 and the captain of the football team. Abigail comes up to us she's 2 grades under us but she hanges out with us"Hey Emma" She said "Hey abigail""I heard that you and Ash were dating"I look at her shocked"No offense to Ash he's hot and all but i would never date him"  i said abby walked off with an oh before grabbing Josh and walking away proubably going to spread gossip. Aaron looked at me and chuckled "What"i said not liking being laughed at"Most girls would say that they're dating the hottest guy in school plus he's a senior so if you wanted to make a girl jealous that would be the way" i look at him shocked" No offense Aaron but i'm not Rachel"He laughed and looked away.

Three weeks later me and Aaron were laughing about a joke he make about Ash "Speaking of the devil here he comes wearing a black leather jacket i didn't know they sold clothes in hell" I slap him on the shoulder we're still laughing when Ash comes up to us "Hey Emma" he said "Aaron"he said looking uncomfortable "would you like to come to my house after school"he said looking at me"Oh yeah can we go to my house first so i can change" i ask feeling uncomfortable"Yeah sure meet me at my car after 5th period" he said right as the bell rang.

The rest of my day pasted by i sat with Aaron at lunch and Ash sat with us which was weird. The bell rang signaling the end of school i grab my stuff and walk out to the parking lot i look around but don't see Ash's car he left me i can't belive him. I just finished that thought as i see him pull up with sunglasses on acting as cool as he can be, he must have skipped 5th block and went some where. I get in the car and look at him. He hands me a pair of glasses "I get that i'm hot but stop staring at me and put the shades on" I do what he says slipping the shades over my eyes. "I got u some clothes and a bathing suit" i soon realized that to get a bathing suit he had to go thru my bra drawer i started to ask him what was wrong with him but he spoke before i could "don't worry i didn't take any sovinores" i laugh then watch the road.

Ash pulls up to this huge house and turns off the car "My parents aren't home and Sid's at a friends house so we have it all to ourselves i got your bag you can change in my room" we both get out of the car and go into the house. Once the door is open i smell lemons and baking cookies we head upstairs and go into this dark room that's pretty clean and smells like Ash's car. Ash sets his stuff on the bed along with my stuff "Let me grab some shorts and i'll change in the bathroom your bathing suit is in the bag and you can use one of our towels" with that he leaves the room. I open my bag and find the "bathing suit" he grabed the most revealing one that i had Rachel gave it to me as a b-day present it's dark red with black the top is sleveless and has black straps on the back which leaves most of my back exposed and the bottom barely covers my butt i sigh and get changed. I look thru Ash's dresser for a shirt finding a white v-neck i throw it over my body and open the door i go down stairs to find Ash shirtless in the kitchen he's in the middle of eating a sandwich. "Are yo enjoying the view" Ash said with his mouth full"Nope i'm watching a pig eat" he looks up at me "yo take that back""nope " he runs at me and throws me over his shoulder and runs out the door i start screaming my head off he sets me down on their patio i'm confused as to why he didn't throw me in the pool"I want my shirt" i laugh at him and run away"then come and get in" i say he runs to me and grabs the hem of the shirt and pulls it over my head"If this was anyone but you i would be happy to do this but since it's u i can't enjoy it"he mutters once he has his shirt he pushes me  in the pool. 

We swim around until it gets dark i get out after Ash. Ash walks over to a lawn chair which holds our towels grabs one and walks over to me" Here this is your's" i go to grab it but he pulls it away "Give it to me" I say feeling like a child fighting for a toy "No i'll put it on you"he said putting the towel over my shoulders i stop breating as he touches me he holds the towel by it's edges and pulls me to him he leans down and as our lips touch i feel a millon emotions at once. Ash pulls my head to him my hands are in his hair, Then i realize what i'm doing i'm kissing one of my friends exboyfriends i pull back. Ash looks shocked i take the towel off and hand it to him"Here i need to go" ash grabs my hand"is this because of Rachel" "Yes"he looks down at me " i broke with her because of u" i'm shocked but grab my phone and walk away. I decide to walk home i need some fresh air why does Rachel always get what she wants maybe i want Ash it's not fair.

The love for our faultsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon