Deal with it

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I woke up the next morning to blaring music, it's been three weeks since the whole Ash thing and i've kinda been ignoring him he's called my phone and left voice mails but i've never listened to them. Everytime he walks towards me i turn around and walk the other way Rachel hasn't talked to me so basically my life is a living hell. The worse part is even when i'm trying to get my mind off of him i always find myself staring at him think of that kiss. My mom has been trying to talk me into doing a pagent but Rachel will be competing and will most likely win.Plus i don't even have a date and Rachel and Ash will proubably end up going together. Since i haven't wanted to ride with Ash Adam has been taking me to school. I get up and get ready.

When i get to school and get a text from Rachel "Hey meet me by Mr.Manhattan's room" I'm kinda confused but decide to go anyways, i run to my locker first to get some of my books and head over to Mr.Manhattan's room to see what suprise was there. When i get there i immetially hear voices but their owners are yelling."Hey handsome"i hear Rachel say, the owner of the second voice says something but i couldn't understand it, i look around the corner and see Ash's form lean down and kiss Rachel the lighting is dark but it still doesn't hide the fact that Ash is kissing her. I drop my books and run down the hallway.I hear Ash's footsteps behind me. I turn around and  look him straight in the eye " How could you i was really starting to like you then you have to mess it up" i say all that with my eyes tearing up then turn around and leave him standing there in the hallway.

I leave before school even starts i call my mom that i threw up and went home. Once i'm in my house i go to my bed and fall into and dreamless sleep. I wake up and realize that it's dark outside. I get out of bed and see that Chad and Adam are both gone and i hear my parents downstairs in the office i listen in from the hallway, I hear my mom first"Come on Henry he's 17 years old how was i supposed to leave him by himself, we've known him since birth and it's only for a few weeks he just need's a place to crash we have an extra room by Emma's Please" i could tell by her voice that dad was going to say yes but i was still confused who were they talking about"Fine but no alchol drugs in this house and he has to drive Emma to school"Oh no i really don't hope their talking about Ash. I hear a knock on the door and i run to the kitchen "I thought we thought you not to easedrop and fix your hair we have company"my mom says on her way to the door i run upstairs to my room and put on a blue tank top and some shorts and throw my hair up in a messy pony tail and run downstairs.

Ash is sitting in my living room a smirk on his face my dad is telling him the rules when i walk in "Stay away from my daughter, never be in her room never ever ever come home drunk Do you understand" Ash nods confirming my dad's question"You can stay in the guest room Emma will show you where it is" Ash gets up and we walk upstairs. "Come on Em are you going to ignore me forever" i look at him like he were crazy" You kiss my friend" he moved towards me "yes i did and i realized that it was a accident i know i drive you crazy"He put his hand on my hip where my shirt didn't cover my skin his touch did something to me i couldn't move all i could do was look into those green eyes and hope i didn't go crazy his hand was rubbing my waist lightly just enough to drive me crazy  when Trey walked in "Oh am i interuping something,dinners ready and i won't tell my parents that you and my sister were having a "moment"

Dinner was akward Trey made jokes but no one laugh we just sat there eating, after 45 minutes i excused myself and went to get a shower. After my shower i wrapped a towel over me and opened the door i ran into Ash,"Nice outfit" i rolled my eyes and went to walk away "Good night roomie"he said that with a wink. Man how am i going to survive this.

The love for our faultsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें