Untold feelings

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The next morning i wake up with my head pounding, I remember last night Ash telling me how he felt, then us kissing, then coming home and passing out.I look over at my alarm clock and see that it's 8:30 I get out of bed and stand up my head spins but once i'm okay i start walking out of the room i see that Ash is still passed out in the guest bedroom and then i walk downstairs. i remember that i left my phone in my room so I go to the kitchen and get some Advil for my head then head upstairs. Once i'm in  my bedroom i walk over to my bedside table I see that i have a text i open it and see that i have 5 texts from Aaron he's probably worried because he didn't see me leave last night all 5 texts says that we need to talk, I call him he answers on the 3rd ring "Hello" he says "Hey did, something happen" i ask kinda concerned "I don't know did something happen" he asks in a weird voice "No"i say quickly not wanting to tell anyone about the Ash thing "Well can you meet me at 9:00 at the coffee shop"he says he seems irritated "Yeah sure" i say then he hangs up, wow that was weird, i think as I change.

I got to the coffee shop about 20 minutes ago i'm waiting on Aaron when Ash texts me "Hey, beautiful,where u at" I blush when i see the beautiful part "Meeting Aaron" i text him back, I look out the window and see Aaron getting out of his truck he's walking towards me with a irritated expression i realize that he hasn't seen me yet,  my phone buzzes telling me that i got a text "Maybe when u get back we can "hang out'' Ash texted me "Okay gtg bye" Aaron walks in and sees me I offer a small wave but he doesn't return it, he comes over to the table and sits in the seat across from me. The waitress comes with my coffee and sets it in front of me She turns and asks Aaron if he wants anything and he says no. Once she's gone he turns to face me "Emma you and me have been best friends ever since 3rd grade" he says grabbing my hands in his, "When we met i knew you were different" he says looking me straight in the eyes "I love that about you I love how you don't care what other people think, I love that you lose yourself in what you are doing" He says this last part when he looks down at my lips but then puts his gaze back on my eyes "I love you, I've been in love with you since 3rd grade, everyone knew except you you never took the hint"When he says this I slid my hands away from his,  "You know i'm with Ash" I say realizing why he was doing this he was scared of losing me "Look Aaron maybe I noticed you liked me but I didn't like you back I'm sorry" I say getting up from the table he looks at me sadly "You know that at the end of this you're going to end up hurt" he says I know he's telling the truth but I chose to ignore it "I mean why are you doing this Ash is a player that breaks hearts so why"he say and i know the answer "Because when you love somebody and know that in the end you're proabauly going to end up hurt you have hope that they will change"I say before turning and not looking back and then walking out of the shop getting in the car and driving away. By the time i pull up to my house i'm breathing heavy and my head hurts i quickly turn off the car and head inside Ash is in the kitchen cooking something on the stove "hey where were you this morning" he says turning around "um.. did you know Aaron liked me" i ask the question caught him off guard because it takes him a few minutes to answer "Yes i thought you knew" he  says looking up at me "I mean you aren't that oblivouis and maybe you didn't like him back" he said looking down at the floor "I did kinda have a feeling" i say starting to feel guilty " this doesn't change how you feel about me right" he says walking over to me "No you're still the annoying boy that i can't stand" i say laughing "Good because you're still the girl that i am utterly and hopelessly in love with"

The love for our faultsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora