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Rob Miller was what you might call mysterious, because of the way he carried himself. You could ask him all sorts of questions, but you'd only get these really vague answers out of him, and sometimes he seemed as though he was just being a sarcastic asshole with some of his responses.

He moved into the house next to me on a typically hot day in Cleveland, Ohio, and I didn't know what to think of him at first. All I knew was that I was excited because I had no real friends here, and I needed some desperately. But that didn't mean I'd just go find friendship in just anybody.

My parents thought the neighborly thing to do was to take a pie over there and give it to the Miller family. As typical as that sounded, that was my parents for you. In fact, it wasn't just them, it was like most people in the Whimes family to do something like that.

Rob's mother looked annoyed by our presence when we showed up at their front door with it, but she forced a smile onto her face because I guess she didn't want to hurt our feelings.

"Thank you. You really didn't have to do this." Mrs. Miller said. Then her attention fell on me, and her smile actually turned genuine. "And who are you young lady?" she asked.

"I'm Heather." I said excitedly. Mrs. Miller gave me a strange look, but it quickly faded when her son appeared in the doorway behind her. She guided him forward eager to let him see me in particular.

"This is my son Rob. I'm sure you two will get along just fine."

I studied Rob. He had long black hair that was past his shoulders, except he kept it in a ponytail. He was lean, yet muscular, and had a look of complete boredom on his face. Clearly, I was not that interesting to him. One thing I did know, was that he was totally hot. I was sure every girl in Cleveland was going to be going after him.

I didn't even see how he could wear the leather jacket he had on without passing out in this heat wave we were having, but hey, I wasn't going to question it.

"I'm sure we won't." he muttered in reply to what his mother had previously said.

"Rob!" she exclaimed. "I'm sorry," she apologized to me. "He's just adjusting."

I nodded, but now I wanted to get the hell away from here. We had clearly overstayed our welcome.

"Well, nice meeting you." my father said just before we headed back over to our own house.

I didn't know what to think of Rob Miller at first, he seemed like the typical douchebag types that lived here, but I couldn't really make any real judgements in that moment.

As previously stated, I didn't have friends, but what I did have, were associates. Occasionally we would link up with each other and go hang out at the park, or go get food together. This was the usual stuff you would do with someone you're friends with, but the truth is, these associates only used me until their actual friends came back around.

They were Abigail Grace and Maddie Fuller. They were tolerable, but aggravating, and we all went to the same high school together. Abigail was known as a complete whore, which wasn't a lie. She had dated over 25 guys within a two week span, and I was starting to wonder if there would be any guy left here in Cleveland that she hadn't dated. The least she could do was save some for everyone else.

Maddie wasn't anything like that, and I was glad, but she was a huge bitch who thought she was better than everyone because her family had more money than most people in this town. She never had to lift a finger for anything she wanted, because her mother and father just simply bought it for her.

Abigail, Maddie, and I, had all made plans to hangout at the park, but when we arrived, the conversation topic was about Rob, and I discovered that they were so obsessed with it, that they refused to be interrupted.

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