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"So you think you're something just because you caught Rob Miller's attention for a night?"

I didn't even have to turn around to know who had said this, because I knew it was Abigail. I was inside McDonald's with my cousin Sarah. She had come down for a surprise visit from New Jersey earlier that morning, and I was really excited to forget the past couple of days previous events by hanging out with her. But it looks like no matter what I did, I'd have to face what was actually going on at some point. I mean, I shouldn't have really been surprised or anything. After all, Abigail and Maddie were the first to know everything in the neighborhood.

"Who said I thought I was something?" I snorted, turning around to face her. She looked even more sluttier. She might as well have left her house in her underwear with the way she had been dressing lately.

"It's going around town that you think you are."

Sarah exchanged a look with me, and I knew she was extremely confused. I had yet to explain every detail of what had been going on to her, so she wasn't filled in at all. "Wait, what's your deal with my cousin?"

Abigail glared at Sarah. "She's a complete slut who thinks she's better than everybody else. I mean for God's sake, weren't you just on a date with Calvin Williams a few days ago?"

I knew Sarah, and I knew she didn't like it when people talked to me out of line. Abigail was really pushing some limits here, and it wasn't looking too good for her. She was about to be jumped by two furious chicks.

"Don't talk to my cousin like that. I don't know you, but I know the only slut in this restaurant is probably you." Sarah spat.

Abigail rolled her eyes and laughed at that one. By now, everyone at McDonald's had their attention at our table. I wondered who Abigail came with, so I looked around for Maddie, but she was no where to be found. In fact, it was a wonder to me why Maddie had suddenly gone into hiding since finding out about me and Rob.

"You're really going to play the insult game?"

"I mean, you did insult her first." Sarah said in a matter of fact tone.

Abigail flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Whatever, I'm outta here. Have fun being a slut and keeping secrets. Just remember, we'll always find out everything." she said to me, before exiting the restaurant.

"Okay, please explain to me what her deal is?" Sarah said.

I sighed. "I'd rather not. Let's just say I'm not doing too good down here Sarah."

"Okay, but that bitch is crazy."

"I'm aware." I said.

"She literally knows nothing about you. She must be jealous that you stole a guy she likes." Sarah said, searching my face for an answer. I never liked lying to Sarah, because she was the only family member all my secrets actually were safe with, but I didn't feel like being truthful with anyone at that moment.

"I didn't steal anybody. He doesn't even like me." I said, knowing that was probably the most crappy lie I'd ever made up. Of course Rob Miller liked me. After many hours of thinking, that was definitely the conclusion I had come to.

"Please, you're gorgeous, of course he likes you." she snorted.

When Sarah had first came to our house earlier, I expected that Rob would be outside, or make a surprise pop up at the house like he always did, but today, he did none of those things, so Sarah had yet to see him at all.

Sarah was 21, and had ran away from Ohio a long time ago to live in New Jersey with her boyfriend Patrick. Things didn't work out so great for them, and they ended up splitting. Unlike most couples in this day and age, surprisingly, they never had a child together, but that's what a lot of the rumors in the family were. Now, Sarah was single, but she wasn't sad about it, at least I don't think. She told me that she never regretted getting away from here, and realized that she didn't need anyone to be by her side to really live her life.

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