Chapter 2

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   You're not serious, are you? I sign helplessly, silently praying Mandy isn't seriously taking me to a concert in the park. Though, it is a good excuse to skip talking to my parents and brother about what happened earlier. Currently, we're standing in a large crowd of teenage girls. Honestly, I'm surprised so many teenage girls actually lived in this town. There has to be at least fifty here, maybe one hundred. 

   Oh stop whining, it'll be fun! Mandy signs back with a smug smile. I roll my eyes, but don't move from my spot. The sun is already setting, changing the sky to an orange color with a hint of pink and a mixture of red. The sunsets here are always beautiful, with the clear, open skies and treeless patches of land. When I was younger, I used to go lay in the field behind my house and star gaze. Eventually, I would fall asleep and one of my parents or my brother would carry me home. 

   Suddenly, the girls around us start to jump up and down excitedly. I look at their expressions, some are happy, some are… Emotional. While others are jumping up and down, hands in the air, and mouths open wide, like they were screaming. I think I'm happy I can't hear anything right now. 

   Something warm and bright shines onto my skin. I turn slowly, feeling a blinding light against the side of my face. I raise my arm to shield my eyes from whatever the light is. When I am facing the source of the light, I slowly lower my arm and squint towards it. The light is a spotlight, and there is two more facing the crowd. One is at our end, another is at the other end, and there is one placed in the center. 

    The spotlights cut off, and then reappear on the stage just as five boys walked out. I watch the five boys walk onto the stage, following one another, in shock. They're the five boys I saw earlier… And there's that idiot who spilled his drink on me! He's wearing a dark t shirt with a print that looks like reptile skin, along with black skinny jeans and black shoes. Oh, and guess what was hooked to his belt hoop? Yes, that's right, that incredibly weird animal tail. 

   Gabe walks to the front of the stage, right in front of us, and scans the crowd with a smile. His eyes dart from one section of the crowd to another, until they land on our section. Slowly, Gabe's eyes move from the back towards the front, where Mandy and I were standing. I watch him curiously, but that's a big mistake. His eyes meet mine, and his smile slowly turns into a smirk. 

   "Welcome to the show!" he says into his headset. He's looking around the crowd, but a horrible feeling in my gut told me his words were directed towards me. A hand grabs my arm and gently shakes it back and forth. I jerk my arm away and turn towards Mandy, who looks starstuck. 

    He looked at you and smirked! Why did he smirk?! I simply shrug, acting as if I had no clue. I wish I didn't have a clue as to why he were smirk at me. I feel like I'm a sitting duck, waiting for him to attack. 

    I lean against the speakers, which were planted a few feet from Mandy. Most people would think it's insane to be within feet of a speaker during a concert, but for me, that's the only way I could possibly know what kind of music is being played. I might not be able to hear the lyrics, but I can at least feel the beat.

   The concert rolls by slowly. I feel as if time has slowed down, and a thirty minute set turned into an hour and thirty minute set. When the boys bid their goodbyes, I nearly jump for joy. Finally, I can go home and sleep! Wait, why is Gabe jumping off the stage? Why is he coming towards Mandy? Oh, great. 

    I groan and walk towards them slowly. Mandy and Gabe are talking, but Mandy's back is to me and Gabe is talking so fast I can't understand him. So, I just awkwardly stand behind Mandy, waiting for her to be done so we can leave. Gabe's eyes move from Mandy's to mine, and that stupid smirk reappears. 

   "How'd you like the show?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at me expectantly. Mandy turns and looks at me nervously. She probably thinks I didn't catch his question, but she's afraid to sign it to me because she knows how I feel about people knowing about my… Disability. 

   "That was the longest thirty minutes of my life," I snap, narrowing my eyes at him. He chuckles. 

   "Well that makes sense… The show was an hour long." My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks begin to get hot. Even though she's trying to hide it, I can still see Mandy standing next to me, hand covering her mouth, quietly laughing at the fact I had just made a fool of myself. 

   "I knew that… I was just making sure you did," I reply dumbly. Gabe nods slowly and rolls his eyes. 

   "Whatever. So which was your favorite song, Bella?" My mouth begins to open and close like a fish out of water. What am I supposed to say? What do I do? Stick around and make a bigger fool of myself or run for it? I like the second option better. 

   "Oh my, look at the time," I say quickly, backing away, "I really have to be going. Bye!" I turn and began to jog through the park. The girls that had been at the concert were now gone, most already made it to their cars, but some aren't old enough to drive, so they were sitting at the street, waiting for their ride. Fortunately, I live close enough to the park that I can just walk. As does Mandy. 

   Something hard hits my back. I cry out in surprise and stumble over my own feet. In a matter of seconds, I'm on the ground. As I wonder what hit me, I roll over onto my back and look up. Mandy and Gabe are standing in front of me. A rock was being held in Gabe's palm. My eyes narrow at him. 

   "Um, ow!" I hiss. 

   "Well, we had to get your attention somehow! You were ignoring our calls." Mandy offers her hand to me, but I ignore it and push myself to my feet. Gabe stands in front of me, holding something out to me. I look at it closely, and realize it's my phone. "You dropped this when you ran."

   I gingerly take my phone from his hand and shove it in my back pocket. "Thanks," I mutter, turning away from him. Mandy joins me at my side, and together we head back home, leaving Gabe in the park, doing God knows what. 


That was a crappy ending, sorry. But it's been like a week or something since I updated this, so I needed to finish.

Thanks for the votes and comments guys :) can I get four comments and four votes on this one? 

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