Chapter 18 (Part Two)

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       "Did you get an envelope from Bella?" Jasmine asks WIll as she twists the phone chord around her finger. She is sat in her living room, using the house phone to talk to her boyfriend whilst hers is in her room, charging.

        "Yeah, but I haven't read it yet. We have an interview tomorrow and we're all really nervous." Jasmine could hear something else edged in Will's voice, something besides nerves. Could it be fear? No, Will never fears an interview, no matter how many people will be watching. Worry, maybe? Possibly, but what could he be worried about?

        "Are you okay?" Jaz asks softly, tugging at the strings attached to her sweat pants. The line is silent for a few moments, and for a second she begins to wonder if he hung up. It would be completely out of character for him to hang up in the middle of a conversation, but there's a first for everything.

       "We're all pretty worried about Gabe," he admits quietly, then adds, "and the interview. It's kinda odd that there would be an interview scheduled right after Bella's funeral, don't you think?" Something else is mixed in with his worry laced voice, and this time Jaz picks it out immediately. 


       "Do you think they did it on purpose?" Jaz questions, her eyes widening. She knew the management seemed heartless to the boys, but she didn't think they were that awful. 

            "I wouldn't doubt it." Jaz quickly steers the conversation into another topic, clearly seeing how the interview angered her boyfriend. They talk for a few more minutes about different things, stretching from his new music to her upcoming competitions. 

        Around four, Jaz decides to hang up when her dad tells her they're going to ths store. "Dad's buying me new skates," she explains to Will, "so I have to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

        "Okay," he replies. She can just imagine his grin as he adds, "I love you." 

        Jaz giggles. "I love you too, you dork." He laughs at her comment as she hangs up. Since she has about an hour until she and her dad are leaving, she decides to head upstairs to open that icy blue envelope laying innocently on her bed.

        She sighs as she picks up the envelope. Her nails slide under the flap and, gently, rips the paper open. She pulls out the paper, as if it's a sheet of glass and one wrong move will shatter it to pieces. After letting the envelope float silently to the bed, Jasmine unfolds the paper and begins to read.

 Dear Jasmine, 

        I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel like we've been friends for years. I'm really happy I got to meet you before I, well, you know. I hope I make it, because I'd love to see you compete one day. Gabe told me you were an amazing skater, even after the accident. 

        We're pretty alike, you and I. I never realized this before now, but we've both overcome something challenging in our lives and pushed past that. You should give yourself a pat on the back for that, because I can't even begin to imagine how difficult that must've been. I know living without noise is a pretty tough obstacle, as is losing your foot.

        People have told me my whole life how "strong" I am for living with my disability, but what have I really done that proves I'm strong? I'm not special, or famous, or have some secret talent that I have been able to continue after pushing past the fact that I'm deaf, so why am I considered "strong"? You, however, are special. You're an amazing skater, from what I've heard, and you're both special and famous, for your skating and your boyfriend ;). You're what I call strong, Jasmine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this in earlier, even though I probably should've. Don't ever let anyone tear you down, alright? You're pretty awesome, and I'll haunt anyone who says differently. 

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