Chapter 3

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         The next morning, I arrive to school early. Thankfully, there are hardly any students lingering in the hallways, so I'm alone. When I reach my locker, I drop my bag next to me and slide down the metal doors until my butt hits the floor. My head gently bangs against the locker while I think about the school day that has yet to come. I already despise school, will things be different now that Gabe knows who I am? What will he do when he sees me? I don't think I want to find out.

        Sadly, my questions get answered far to quickly. Three people walk through the front doors of the school, located to the right of my locker. Gabe walks in first, followed by Cole and his sister, Tasha. Her chestnut colored hair is pulled up into a perfect top knot bun, while her dark, brown eyes are decorated in the smokey eye style.

        To say I was jealous of Tasha was an extreme understatement. She has it all- the famous brother, perfect body, all the guys falling for her, and the cutest clothes in school. I have none of those things. I have an annoying older brother, with an average body, none of the guys at school want to date the deaf girl, and the only clothes I own are baggy and not attractive in anyway.

        The group of three splits off in different directions. Cole heads for the gym, where most people go to hang out before the first bell rings, Tasha struts off down another hallway, and Gabe walks towards me. I try not to catch his eye, but it's to late. I can see his smirk growing on his face. I mentally groan and reach for my bag. There is no way I'm staying within five meters of him.

        Out of the corner of my eye, I see his mouth move, but I can't catch the words. I smile awkwardly at him and climb to my feet. Gabe steps in front of me. "Are you deaf? I said good morning!" He already seems frustrated. His patience isn't very good.

        "Good morning," I mumble, throwing my bag over my shoulder and turning to leave. I quickly walk down the hall, tightly gripping my backpack straps and keeping my head down. People are already looking at me and whispering, but I ignore them. They do this every day, I should be used to it by now. But, I'm not.


        "Today, you will be paired up with a partner and, together, you'll work on your community service hours," Mr. Peters says with a smile, holding up a tin can painted orange to match the school's colors. The side that was facing the class had a black ram head spray painted on it. Mr. Peters holds the can out to me, allowing me to get first pick.

        I reach my hand into the bucket and feel the small strips of paper inside. My fingers pinch one of the papers, and I pull it out of the can. I unwrap the paper and read the name out loud, "Gabe Martin." Oh no. Oh no, oh no! Seriously, out of all the 15 students I could be stuck with, it just has to be him?! Great.

        Slowly, I stand and cross the room, weaving through the desks already being turned and rearranged. Gabe is sitting in the back corner of the classroom, carelessly texting away on his phone. I take a deep breath, then sit down in the desk in front of him and turn to face him. "Hey," I tell him, lightly banging my fist against the surface of his desk. He looks up at me and sighs.

        "So, what should we do for our sixteen hours?" he asks in a bored tone, his eyes never leaving his precious phone. I roll my eyes.

        "How about we head over to the senior center after school and just, I dunno, help out?" My mother and I had helped out there before, when I was younger. There were elders who were deaf and knew ASL, so they taught me and my mom the language. Luckily, I picked up on it easily, but my mom had some trouble. It took her two years, but she, along with the rest of my family, finally learned it.

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