Chapter 10

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    "You said no? Why?!" May exclaims, throwing her hands in the air. We're sitting at a picnic table outside under the shade of an oak tree, enjoying the first pretty day in a month. While she's decided to skip lunch, I'm eating a fruit salad I bought from the lunch line. It tastes delicious.

    "Because," I sigh, "I don't belong in Hollywood. Everyone there is so perfect, and gorgeous, and talented, and I'm just me, deaf and average looking. Besides, what would people say once they found out about me being hearing impaired? I can already see the headlines: Gabe Martin from IM5 dating helpless deaf girl from a small town."

    May rolls her eyes. "That wouldn't be the headline. More like: Gabe Martin from IM5 dating incredibly beautiful, smart, hearing impaired girl from a small town."

    I shake my head. "No, that sounds to long and totally unrealistic. It's whatever, okay? I already told him no. Besides, why is he even asking me? Unless he's leaving soon." The idea of Gabe leaving so soon makes me sick to my stomach. That would make sense, wouldn't it? He's asking me to come with him because he's leaving. But why would he ask me to come with him? Could it be a 'Just friends' kind of trip? Goodness, I hope not.

    May is about to respond, when she looks at something behind me. "I'll just leave you two alone..." She stands, winks at me, then heads back into the school. Not even five seconds later, Gabe takes her spot. He smiles at me, and I return it half heartedly.

    "You're leaving soon, aren't you?" I guess before he even has a chance to speak. He sighs.

    "Yes, and that's why I want you to come with me."

    "Why do you want me to come with you so bad?"

    "Because I'm not ready to live without you yet." His response took me by surprise. Live without me? He doesn't want to live without me? When I don't respond, he adds, "Just for a week. C'mon, Bella. It'll be an adventure."

    I shake my head and stand, ready to head back inside. Gabe stands, too, and joins me as we walk. A small part of me wants to get away from him and continue telling him no, while a larger part of me wants to turn, smile, and say yes to his amazing offer.

    "What if I say yes and you go and... Do something dumb, like you did to that one girl, and flee?" I question, glaring at him. I can't exactly ask if he would cheat on me, since we're not dating, now can I? Gabe steps in front of me and sighs.

    "You can't believe everything you read, Bella. The truth is, she cheated on me, then made up some sob story about how I broke her heart. My manager declared time away from the spotlight, so she sent us to stay with Cole's step mom and sister in a small town where no one would think to find us. But our hiding place was revealed that day Dana and I had to hide out at your place, so our manager decided we might as well come back. We leave in a week."

    I stare at him, contemplating in my head my options. The part of my body that wants to go is starting to overtake the part that doesn't. I bite my lip and nod.

    "Alright, I'll go. But this isn't going to be easy.." He frowns.

    "Why not?"

    "Hello? My parents and brother aren't really the biggest fans of you at the moment, remember? Convincing them to let me fly across the country with you isn't going to be a walk in the park."

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