Chapter 19

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        "Dalton, don't forget about the interview in an hour!" Dalton's mom calls from downstairs. With a sigh, he yanks his shirt off his body and tosses it to the ground. The clock on his wall tells him it is 11:30, meaning he only has thirty minutes to get ready and leave his house to make it to the radio station in time. 

        He walks to his closet and grabs the first shirt his hand grasps, which is a black t shirt with his name inside of the IM5 logo shape. He had cut the sleeves off so the sides of the shirt showed off part of his sides. Slipping his feet into his black sneakers, he slides his phone into his back pocket and heads into the bathroom. 

        Ten minutes later, his teeth are brushed, his hair is fixed, and he is calling goodbye to his mom as he walks out the door. Once in his car, he pulls out of his driveway and drives away from his house. Usually, he would turn on some music and sing along on his way to an interview, but today he isn't really in the mood. 

        Besides the fact that this interview will, most likely, revolve around what happened with Bella and the events leading up to it, Dalton is also thinking about the letter he read last night. He learned he and the other four each received letters from Bella, written while she was staying with Gabe before she died, but he had only just read it last night. Dalton was amazed that, even in her last words, she still managed to add some humor into the letter. 

        A few sentences stuck out more than others, like: I hope you and Mandy get together soon. If you do, you'd better be good to her! I don't want to see her crying into her pillow while you're out partying, young man! He remembers chuckling to himself and silently promising to treat her right, if they ever got together. Not that it would happen, anyways. They're on opposite sides of the country. The chance of them dating were slim, but it's still something to think about. Maybe in the future…

        He remembers her thanking him for checking on her that night. She explained how she was itching to tell someone, and confiding to him made her feel better. Bella also forgave him for telling Gabe what was going on, she even said she was thankful for that. 

        Dalton arrives at the station the same time Dana does. He parks next to Dana, and gets out to meet him at the back of their cars. "Are you ready for this?" Dana asks, looking up at Dalton. 

        Sighing, Dalton admits, "Not really, but we have to do this, for Gabe."

        Dana nods and agrees, "For Gabe. Lets go."


        "Welcome, IM5!" the interviewer, Shiane, greets the boys as they sit around a table in front of him. The boys reply as cheerfully as they could, adding a few 'Good morning's along. "How are you guys feeling today?" 

        "Tired," Dana mutters, earning a laugh from Shiane and her camera guy. Dana sighs and leans back in his seat. All he really wants to do is go back home and sleep, and skip this whole interview. 

        "So, from what I've seen on Twitter, something big has just recently happened, hmm?" Her eyes flicker to Gabe, who has been avoiding eye contact since he woke up this morning. No one brought it up, but his eyes were still red and puffy from the crying over the past week. The boys tried to take him to see a movie or go to Disneyland, but Gabe refused every offer. 

        Cole clears his throat, "Uh, yeah, some stuff has happened…" 

        "I saw your girlfriend's video on Twitter, Cole, and I'm curious as to why Bella was in the hospital. Would anyone like to explain?" The boys are silent as they glance at each other nervously. Nobody knows what to say, and Gabe refuses to speak. 

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