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Dear Gabe,

They say you never forget your first love, that you remember them to the grave. I know that, whatever happens, I'll never forget you. I couldn't, even if I wanted to. It's a little hard to forget a guy who spilled his drink on you and wore a fox tail hooked to his jeans. Speaking of, what happened to that tail? I never see you wear it anymore.

It's funny how, just in a few short months, your life can change just from the people you bring into it. I had no intentions of bringing a pop star into my life, let alone fall in love with him, but it happened anyways. When I realized I would be going to school with you, I had no idea of the positive impact you would have on my life. Honestly, I thought you would be another rich and spoiled celebrity who depends more on a limo than his own two feet. I see now that isn't the case.

You, Gabriel Martin, have completely changed my life for the better. Before I met you, I wasn't living life, I was just surviving it. There's not much to smile about when you can't hear a bird chirp or a song on the radio, and being constantly picked on because of it didn't help, but you did. You helped me through it, and I can never thank you enough for that.

I'm sorry for the tear drops on this letter, I just thought of the song My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. I thought of the lyrics, how it explains how her heart will go on, even without Jack. I've only been to one funeral in my life, and that was my great granddad's, so I didn't even really know him. I don't know what it feels like to lose someone you love, since I never loved someone like I love you. However hard this will be for you, Gabe, you've gotta let your heart go on.

You need to promise me something, okay? You to promise that you'll move on from me. It doesn't have to be next week or next month or even next year, but promise me you'll try. I don't want you to be miserable because of my stupid decision, actually, I don't want you to be miserable at all. I want you to be happy and find a girl who you can spend the rest of your life with. Get married and have a family! Just move on from me, okay?

I love you, Gabe, more than you will ever know. I'm sorry for keeping this from you for so long, and I'm sorry we didn't get to spend that much time together in LA before all of this happened, but I need to tell you one last time that I love you to the moon and back. Please, don't think of this as me dying, think of it as a vacation I'm going on. We may not see each other again right away, but we will see each other again. I promise.

Make me proud, Gabe. Tour the world with the other boys, break records, get to number one in America even! Just make me proud. I'll be watching from up here, and I'll be waiting for us to meet again.

I love you.


P. S. Thank you


*Five Years Later*

"It's weird to be here again," Dana, twenty-one now, comments as he looks around the fast food restaurant. He's eating a cheeseburger with everything on it and a large drink is sat on his right.

Dalton nods in agreement and looks up at Gabe, who's directly in front of him. The boys decided to sit at a table next to a booth beside the pop fountain station. They're circled around the table, silently eating their food.

"Welcome to Back Yard Burgers," the pimple faced teenager behind the counter greets a customer with dull tone and a bored expression. Gabe looks around the room and sighs. Back Yard Burgers had went through remodeling in late fall last year, and everything looked different. New walls, floors, counters, tables, everything was different. The only similarity were the places the booths and tables were in the restaurant.

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