Chapter 18 (Part One)

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        Mandy sits down at the desk next to her bed. She flips the light on so she would have some light in her dark room. It had only been 12:04 when she woke up from a haunting nightmare. It was when Tasha had pushed Bella into the road, only the dream took a sickening turn and Bella was hit by the truck instead of saved by Gabe. Mandy woke up with her face soaked with tears.

        A light pink envelope lay innocently in the center of the desk. Her name is scribbled across the front in perfectly written cursive. She had never seen the the envelope before, and it wasn't there when she went to bed last night, so she is confused when her eyes fall on it. Could her mother have dropped it off? Probably. What's inside it? Lets find out.

        Mandy flips the envelope over and gently pulls the flap out. Inside is a folded up piece of notebook paper, which softly brushes against Mandy's fingers. She pulls it out, lays the envelope on the desk, and unfolds the paper.

Dear Mandy… 


        Jacob is sitting on his bed, staring down at the apple red envelope laying on his bed, halfway buried beneath his comforter. The corner of it is sticking out, catching Jacob's attention every time he turns his head. His name is written on it, in an elegant form of cursive. Who wrote it? Where'd it come from? His sister didn't have that neat handwriting, so it had to have been someone else, right?

        With a sigh, Jacob leans forward and picks up the envelope. His, along with nine others, were found in Bella's bag a few days after the funeral. They were addressed to different people and were handed out when IM5 and those two girls left. The departure was full of tears, mostly from the girls. The teenagers knew they most likely wouldn't see each other again for a long time, so they made their hugs last a lifetime. 

        He flips the envelope over and pulls out the flap. Inside is a folded up piece of paper and, when unfolded, has Dear Jacob written at the top in his sister's handwriting. He takes in a sharp breath and begins reading.

Dear Jacob,

        If you're reading this, that means my fears came to life and I'm no longer breathing. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I know I should've, but I was just being my usual, stubborn self. I wanted to go to California so badly I put my own life in danger and that was incredibly stupid of me. I'm sorry I'm making you go through this, I can't even begin to imagine how painful this must be. 

        Jacob, I need you to be strong for me, okay? Mom and dad already lost one child, I don't know how they would deal if they lost you, too. They need you now more than ever. Don't push them away like you usually do to people when you're upset or mad, it'll only hurt them more. Can you do that for me, can you stay strong for me?

        If I could, I would come back down to earth as a ghost just to apologize for ice cream drumsticks last month and to hug you and tell you I love you. I feel like I never told you that enough when I was alive. Sure, I said it in a joking way and lightly punched your arm, but I really mean it. You're the best brother anyone could ask for, and I love you, Jacob. 

        I wish you the best in life, big bro. I hope you meet the love of your life, buy a nice house, and make a family. I hope you're able to move on without me, even if it might be hard at first. It'll get easier, I promise. It's just like your first heartbreak; It hurts for a while, but sooner or later you get over it. I don't want you to forget me, but I do want you to move on. 

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