How to rock not being popular

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This chapter is about my favorite thing that i came to terms with and accepted this year.

I'm not popular.

Sure it's almost every kids dream to be popular, or be head of the cheer team, or be the star player on the football team, or even be the teachers favorite. Yeah okay i was like that in kindergarten, but when i got to 3rd grade i kinda saw that i wasn't ever going to be any of those things.

In primary and elementary school i wasn't exactly the thought of everyone's attention. Everyone only talked to me because i was in our school musical productions. I guess i kinda acted like a method actor back then. When i was mayzie in suessical jr it gave me a sense of confidence and I started talking to more people.

So to kick off my first official chapter here is my guide on how to ROCK not being popular.

Step 1: Have a killer confidence. Confidence is an easy thing to have as long as you know the science behind it. Confidence is a 10 letter word that's pure meaning is acceptance. 3 Simple things are needed to have confidence. Love for yourself. The power to block out the negativity of others, and strength. These things may seem hard to have but in all real ness they're pretty simple to master it you watch a lot of reality tv and read to many fan fictions.

Step 2: MAKE A HELLA TON OF FRIENDS. Having friends is like having a second family, and at least with this family the only awkward meal you'll have to deal with is at the lunch table. Making friends is actually really simple. Just be yourself, go up to someone and say hi. If they think your a total weirdo stalker person then it's their misfortune for missing out the amazing and wonderful thing that is you.

Step 3: Wear sunglasses. No explanation. They just look cool.

AND THERE WE HAVE IT!! That's my 3 step guide on how to ROCK not being popular! Sorry for the short chapter but i'm sure all you wonderful people will be able to rock not being popular with my guide!


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