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Apparently, going to his band's practice wasn't the only thing in Michael's jumbled mind. I had just gone out of the bathroom for the second time because I basically drank a whole litre of Sprite. I was shocked I hadn't gained weight. Michael told me to follow him out and I did.

So then I was standing on the porch, fiddling with the hem of my tee as I waited for Michael to come out of Luke's house. The wind blew my hair onto my face but I tucked a few strands of hair into my beanie, repositioning it again on top of my head so it would fall back into its normal position.

Luke had been sweet. A little too sweet for my taste because I had never caught his attention before. He's a really nice guy and he's amazing but I really didn't want to fall back into his opened arms. It was just, a little bit too weird.

I walked to the porch's railing, my hands grabbing the brittle wooden railing as I looked around the neighborhood. Luke's neighbours looked like they were me, majority of their lights were off. There wasn't any sound of dogs barking or birds tweeting. The only sound was the sound of the wind blowing and the rytimic tap of my foot on the floor.

Luke wasn't Michael, that's the problem. When I wanted Luke, he didn't want me. When I wanted someone else, he cared a whole damn lot about me and I thought it was cute. A bit late but cute.

My eyes darted from the neighborhood to my nails that were too long because I had not cut them. Then to the small amount of droplets falling from the roof. How many stars there were scattered on the sky and what time was it.

10:32, my watch showed and I sighed. Putting my hands into my pockets and walking to the chair that was positioned beside the front door. The air was cold but I didn't really care, I sat down on the chair and waited. Pulling my knees to my chest and then wrapping my arms around my legs. Waiting for Michael to come out of the door.

My eyelids started to grow heavy and before I knew it the door opened and I jolted awake, standing up all of a sudden, white spots in my vision. Michael stood on the doorframe, shoulder leaning on the doorframe and arms crossed over his chest. He chuckled when he saw me jolting awake out of nowhere. Cruel.

"C'mon, I'm going to take you somewhere again." Michael motioned for me to follow him and I did. Walking behind him as he led me to his car. He unlocked the door with the key and I climbed in.

The air inside the car was warmer than the air outside. After a few seconds, Michael turned on the engine and we were off again. I still didn't know where Michael and I were going. I didn't care, I was with him, nothing could go wrong I hope.

He was biting on his bottom lip and I was changing radio stations, never settling down on one. All of the songs were boring and nothing really caught my ears. I heard a few amazing songs but I skipped them. Michael didn't look annoyed, he just kept on driving.

See, that's what I didn't fully understand about Michael. One second he would care about what people thought of him then he wouldn't even care less the other second. He seemed like that type of guy that had a double personality. But I knew he wasn't. He couldn't.

"Are you bipolar?" I asked Michael. He let out a small laugh then shook his head. His hands resting lightly on the steering-wheel as he continued on driving down the seemingly endless road that would probably lead us to nowhere. "Where are we going?" I played with my nails, biting my pinky nail as I stared up at him.

"Grocery shopping," he told me flatly. I raised my eyebrow but decided to shut up. If he was going to take me grocery shopping, he could take me grocery shopping. What I didn't understand was, why? "You're probably wondering why but I just want you to accompany me grocery shopping," Michael explained.

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