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The gymnasium was already full with every kind of students. The bleachers seemed like they weren't enough and the cheers erupting from the students almost gave me a heart attack. Zara sat on the very top, popping popcorn every once in a while into her mouth as she waited for the game to start. Her face showed signs of boredom as she scrolled on her phone, eyes gazing at the players once in a while.

Luke gave his friend a high five and a small pat on the shoulder before he turned around and made the girls go crazy. His hair was put down, he wasn't wearing an excessive amount of hair gel and didn't wear it in a quiff. Of course, instead of making his hair look presentable he threw on a red snap-back. I figured he took off his lip piercing because it wasn't there anymore.

I came with Michael and (of course) his girlfriend that looked so happy going to the game. Natalie was an amazing girl, she wasn't even bitchy and she didn't look fake at all. She was one of the most down-to-earth girl that I had ever known.

No one could ever hate her because she was just too sweet. I did a background check on her because I had the urge to. She didn't hold anything back, she was wonderful and I wouldn't be okay if Michael's girlfriend was a total bitch.

Natalie Brown was born and raised in America (that's what she said) she could speak fluent French and German. Her dad was American, Mom born in England. When she was five, she moved to Germany and met Michael (who, by that time was still six) and bonded. Since Michael had to come home to Australia because of his broken family problem they had not met each other for twelve years.

If that wasn't true love, I won't know what is. Michael asked her out a few days after they caught up and she admitted she was so happy because she had liked him since forever.

Have you experienced it? Trying to fake a smile and be happy for your crush when his girlfriend was telling the story of how they met and (eventually) date. It sucked, so bad, I almost cried but I tried to laugh and be happy for them. My entire body was aching and my heart was sliced with one hundred thousand daggers at once. I liked Michael a lot and it pained me internally to see him smile, yet for someone else.

Their fingers were intertwined when we were walking towards Luke to give him a simple "good luck" I was trying not to slice their arms off as we walked in silence. Michael should've known that I had never became as silent as I was, but he didn't notice. He was too busy admiring the girl beside him as we walked.

Luke spotted me from a few meters away and started walking towards me. His shoelace weren't tied and his snap-back was still on his head. I could've sworn he was going to trip and fall yet he didn't.

When we were close enough, he enveloped me into a hug. His arms around my waist as he hugged me so tight I could feel my bones crushing. My arms were around his neck, his hugs were always comforting and inviting. It was as if he was everything to me when my whole everything was standing beside me with his girlfriend.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Luke. A lot, I liked the captain of the basketball team a lot. But I don't know why, everyone says to follow your heart. I was following mine, but why does it lead to Michael? It was a really hard decision because I obviously liked them both equally. It was just, I needed to figure out where my feelings were leading because I was tired of trying to find out.

"Good luck, Hemmings." I patted his back, drawing small circles as I did so and he chuckled. He was fidgeting with my hair, I could feel it and his breathing was uneven. Luke Hemmings was nervous and I couldn't understand why.

He had won a total of 10 games in that season. He scored a total amount of 127, in which 7 of them were slam dunks. If he was nervous, there must be something up because he wasn't the kind of dude that would be nervous before his game. I knew he would win, he should.

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