Episode 1

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We are back for another season. There will be lots of drama, betrayal, lies, fights & court dates. So stay tuned for Surgeon's Paradise Season 3!!!! 🎉💥



I walked into the hospital and went to the attendings lounge. I put my things in my locker and got undressed to get in my scrubs.

"Why hello Dr. Alexander." I heard from the door.

I turned to be faced with my Ex husband.

"Haha very cute Dr. Avery." I said slipping my wedding ring in my pocket.

"I see you still wearing the ring." He said.

"Only because your mother is suppose to be here today and she is unaware that we are divorced." I said.

You see me and Jackson got divorced a month ago but still live together. Say what you want but raising 3 children by yourself is not as easy as Meredith makes it look. We have neglected to tell Catherine because it would be a free for all fight. You saw what happened the last time we separated. Me and Jackson are just trying to work on our selves at the moment. We have both had infidelity's. We have 3 kids to fit into the equation also. I love Jackson with everything in my body but now just isnt our time.

*Beep Beep*

I looked down at my pager and it was April.

"Well isnt it your other baby mama." I said walking away.

In case you are wondering what happened there April has agreed to co-parent Harriet with Jackson. She is even seeing someone and they are very happy together.

"You paged for Peds?" I asked.

"Yes i have a MVC coming in. 2 kids were in the car. 1 was thrown into the windshield." She said.

I put on a gown and gloves and went to the Ambulance Bay.

"Talia Marks 12 was restrained in the back seat. Vitals are stable. Few minor cuts and bruises." The EMT said.

"Hi Talia im Dr. Alexander. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Good but my head hurts." She said.

"Lets get a head CT." I told the nurse.

I went back out to see the other child.

"Ally Marcs 14 severe leg wound. She was restrained in the front seat. Seatbelt failed and she was thrown into the windshield. She was in and out of consciousness on the way here. Vitals have been dropping." The EMT said.

"Ally im Dr. Alexander can you hear me?" I asked checking her pupils.

"It hurts." She said.

"I know it does sweetie but you have to stay strong." I said.

"Page Plastics, Ortho and Neuro." I said.

"Is my sister okay?" She asked.

"Your sister is just fine she went up for a head scan." I said.

"I cant feel my legs." She said.

I went to her feet and ran my finger on them. No reaction.

"Ally can you push your feet against my hands?" I asked.

No reaction.

"Get me Neuro in here now!" I said.

"Am i paralysed?" She asked.

"I dont know sweetie." I said.

"You paged Neuro?" Edwards asked.

"Where is Amelia?" I asked.

"She took leave." She said.

"Really?! Ugh get me sandbags." I said.

"Dr. Alexander you are needed in CT." The nurse said.

"Okay Ally I will be right back. These nice doctors are going to help you." I said.

I ran up to CT to see Talia coding.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I was putting her in the machine and she flat lined." The tech said

"Push one of epi." I said taking over compressions.

"CLEAR!" Wilson said shocking her.

I looked at the monitor amd she had sinus rhythm.

"Finish her scan and page Cardio." I said.

I ran back to the ER to see the nurse and Interns outting Ally in her sand bags.

"What are you doing?! Do you want to paralyze her for life?!" I said moving them out the way.

I set them to the correct settings for a child. I took a needle from the drawer and poked her foot which she reacted to. I took a deep breath.

"Ally im going to go check on your sister. This nice doctor is going to see whats wrong with your back okay. Your going to have to be very still." I said.

"Okay." She said.

I walked out the room and ran into Jackson.

"You paged plastics?" He asked.

"Yes i need you to look at that wound on her leg. Be careful i had to snadbag her." I said rushing off.

I went to CT to check on Talia's scans.

"How do they look?" I asked the tech.

"She has a brain bleed right here." He said.

"Who is on call in Neuro?" I asked.

"Dr. Claxton." He said.

I shook my head. If she is going to have any chance at a good life she needs Amelia. I walked out into the hall and pulled out my phone.

"Amelia I need you." I said.

"I'm on leave Ayy'Verynn call Claxton." She said.

"Get over your pride Amelia. All you do is run when things get hard. Now i have a a little girl here who needs brain surgery. Without it she wont make it." I said.

"Ayy'Verynn you dont understand." She said.

"Then make meunderstand Amelia. You took an oath when you became a doctor. Do not go back on that. You know damn well if Derek were here he wouldnt let you quit." I said.

The line went silent. She hung up. I leaned back against the wall knowing i would have to leave it up to Claxton.

I walked back to the nurses station.

"Page Dr. Claxton." I said.

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