Episode 14

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I saw Jackson filling in a patients chart and walked up to him.

"You know I lost my sister the same way you lost Ayy'Verynn." I said.

"And you think this will make

"And you are telling me this because?" He asked.

"I know how it feels to lose someone on the operating table." I said.

"No you are trying to find common ground. You arent going to find it with me." He said walking away.

"Why are you being stubborn." I asked.

He turned around and faced me.

"Stubborn? I am being stubborn. The only reason your here is because my mom." He said walking away.

"What was that about?" Dr. Peirce asked.

"He hates me." I said walking away.


Who does she think she is. Using pity to get to me.

"Jackson whats wrong?" April asked.

"What isnt wrong would be a shorter." I said.

"You need to talk about this." She said.

"I miss her April. Everytime something went wrong she was there picking up the peices. She was always there. When she went into surgery you know what she told me?" I asked.

"Whats that?"  She asked

"She said to find someone else if she didn't make it not to stay hung up on her. She said she loved me. She hadn't said that in over a year. Then when she didn't make it hit hard. I thought she would come out of surgery and would get back to gether." I said

"She knew she wasn't going to make it." SHe said

"Why do you say that?" I asked

"A person who's about to die says everything that's on their mind before they do so that nothing is left unsaid. SH knew she wasn't going to make it." She said

"Why did they have to take all three from me?" I asked.

"God needed them more. They are watching over you believe me." She said

"You know Kali' looks so much like Ayy'Verynn that it kills me to look at my own child." I said

"She will do great things just like her mother believe me. She is old enough to understand what happened. She knows why here mother isn't here today and when she gets old she will do great things to prevent everyone from losing their loved one like she lost her mom." She said

"they Dr. Marks comes in and lies about being certified to be a fetal surgeon on a case me and Ayy but our all into. April I just lost it." I said.

" I admit she was wrong for doing that but the way you lost it on her wasn't professional." She said

"I know I have to apologize" I said.

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