Episode 4

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I walked to my car and got in.

"Ayy'Verynn wait!" I heard from behind.

I got back out and directed my attention to the voice. It was Alex.

"What?"  I asked.

"I know." He said.

"You know what?" I asked.

"Meredith told me."  He said.

"I dont know what you are talking about." I said.

"Yes you do. Have you told him?" He asked.

"Alex you have enough to worry about." I said.

"Well worrying about you helps me get my mind off my things. You dont know this but Derek told me  before he started going back and forth to Washington. To watch out for you. To be your brother." He said.

"Alex, we are divorced. There is no hope for us. We cant seem to function married." I said.

"Then dont be married. It doesnt change the fact that you need him now more than ever." He said.

"It isnt our time." I said.

"Then make it. You cant do this without him. You need him Ayy'Verynn. Dont let your pride get in the way." He said.

"Ayy'Verynn whats wrong?" I heard Jackson ask from behind.


"She is pregnant, with your baby." Alex said.

"What?!" He said.

"Okay you have a PHD if  you dont know what that means then I cant help you." Alex said walking away.

"Your pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Your pregnant?" He said.

"I just said that." I said.

"When." He asked.

"I'm two months." I said.

"The night we did that 12 hour surgery." He said.

"Yes." I said.

"We will get through this." He said

"Just do me a favor." I said.

"Dont tell my mom." He said.

"At least not yet." I said.

"Okay." I said hugging her.

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