Episode 11

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It was my first official day at Grey Sloan. I hated being the newbie. Especially having to come in replacing a doctor who had did so much in her career.

"Dr. Marks i am on your service today. I am Jo Wilson." A girl with brown hair said.

"Okay nice to meet you." I said.

"Anything you need me to do?" She asked.

"Uh yes can you show me to my patients.?" I asked.

"Sure thing." She said leading me down the hall.

I got to my first patient and walked in the room ready to introduce myself.

"Hello Mrs. Jenkins, im Dr. Marks i will be taking over for Dr. Alexander." I said.

"It's such a shame what happened to that poor girl. She really was a good person. I guess what they say is true." She said.

"What do they say?" I asked.

"God takes the good ones first. If you walk into a garden you arent going to pick the ugly wilted flower. Your going to pick the nice pretty one." She said.

"I never thought of it like that." I said.

"Hello Mrs. Jenkins." Dr. Avery said from behind me.

"Hello dear, sorry about your loss." She said.

"That's alright at least they arent in pain anymore." He said.

"Dr. Marks this man was able to grow a skin flap for my baby. He and Dr. Alexander-Avery were going to do the surgery together but I have heard good things about you." She said.

"Your only 6 months it is dangerous to deliver at this stage." I said.

"That is why she isnt delivering. We are doing fetal surgery." Dr. Avery said.

"Uh Dr. Avery can I speak with you outside." I asked.

"Uh sure we will be right back." He said.

"I am not a fetal surgeon." I said.

"What? Dr. Bailey said you were trained in fetal surgery also." He said.

"I never finished my fellow ship." I said.

"Well then you are off this case." He said taking the chart.

"She is my patient." I said.

"Not anymore. Me and Dr. Alexander have put to much into this lady. Im not about to let you screw it up." He said.

"She is dead. I have her job now. You will not boss me around." I said standing my ground.

"You will not kill a patient and her baby because you lied on your application." He said walking away.

"You know its unhealthly to live in the past. She isnt coming back." I said.

"You dont bring up my wife again." He

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