Episode 2

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I walked back to the ER and saw the trauma team running a code on Ally.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She has internal bleeding." They said.

"Come on we have to get her to the OR." I said.

Edwards climed ontop and continued compressions. We rushed her to the operating room. The team set her up and i washed my hands. I gowned up and went in. I grabbed a scapal and cut her open.

About half way through the surgery. Dr. Minick walked in.

"Ah, Dr. Avery." She said.

"Dr. Alexander." I corrected.

"Oh i assumed you would go by Avery since you and Dr. Avery are married." She said.

"Is there something you need Dr. Minick?" I asked.

"Well i wanted to make sure Dr. Edwards was getting a good learning experience." She said.

"Not on this little girl." I said.

"Well it would be beneficial to her if she could learn hands on." She said.

"Really im fine." Edwards said.

"I said not on this little girl. Any mistake could kill her." I said.

"Dr. Edwards do you know how to stick the iliac vein?" She asked.

"I have practiced a few times." She said.

"Well how about you repair this one." Dr. Minick saidcoming over to the table.

"I said NO. Are you deaf or just that stupid?" I said.

She reached over and unclipoed one of my sutures which caused blood to go everwhere and her pressure to drop.


"She will not learn if  you do not teach her." She said.

"Edwards pinch this." I said.

It stopped the bleeding to repair it again. I finished her surgery and closed her. I walked out the OR.

"What the hell was that?!" I said.

"We were both there nothing would have happened." She said.

"I said no and you delibratley went against me. That little girl could have bled out. How in the hell was i to explain to here parent that she died because you wanted to play russian roulette to see if Edwards could fix her. This isnt a damn board game. This is real life. So stay the hell out of my way." I said walked away.

I walked to Bailey's office to confront her about what just happened.

"Yes?" She asked.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked.

"Minick walked into my OR unannouced when i was foing a very critical surgery on a 14 year old and delibratley cut a perfect suture. To see if Edwards could fix it. She could have killed my patient." I said.

"She is trying to fix this program." She said.

"By playing russian roulette with a patients life?!" I said.

"Dr. Alexander, i urge you to watch your tone." She said.

"Bailey she almost killed a little girl." I said

"Either get on board or your suspended." She said.

"Well im suspended. She is no longer welcomed in my OR." I said walking out.

I walked to the lounge and grabbed my things.

"Where are you going?" Jackson asked.

"I got suspended because Minick decided to come into my OR and play god with my patient." I said walking out.

I got in my car and drove home. I opened the door and saw the babysitter holding Ben.

"Hi Dr. Alexander are you home?" She asked.

"Yes love im home for the day. You can go home." I said.

"Okay thank you." She said.

"Your welcome." I said.

I sat in the chair and held Benjamin.


I walked into Bailey's office to confront her about suspending Ayy'Verynn.

"Avery i am not talking to you about your wife." She said.

"You suspended her for no good reason. Minnick had no right to go in her OR and do what she did." I said.

"Avery I will not hesitate to suspend you to." She said.

I walked out and went to find Richard. I found him by the OR board and pulled him aside.

"Ayy'Verynn got suspended." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"For not getting on board with Minnick." I said.

"Get the other attendings together. She took out our power hitter." He said.

I paged the other attendings and we met in the confference room.

"Why did you call us here?" Meredith asked.

"Bailey took out Ayy'Verynn." I said.

"What why?" Maggie asked.

"Minnick walked into her OR and apparently played god with the 14 year old she was working on and Ayy'Verynn snapped at Bailey." I said.

"Does Bailey realize Ayy'Verynn had millions of dollars invested in this place. She could take her money out." Arizona said.

"Ayy'Verynn & the Harper Avery Foundation own the largest portions of this hospital." Richard said.

"So where do we go from here?" April asked.

"I will speak with my mother and see where Minnick came from." I said.

"Okay let us know how that goes. Bailey cant suspend us all." Meredith said walking out.

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