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        “Why was the door left unlocked, Ethan?”

        Ethan shrugged in response to Mark, “Dunno.”

        “You were the last one out!”

        “I locked it!”

        Mark sighed, “Whatever.” and closed the front door behind them.

        “I’m gonna go record another episode of Subnautica.” Mark called as he walked into his recording room. Ethan nodded and walked into the other recording room, claiming he needed to make one too.

        “I’ll help edit after if you want.” Tyler offered, but Mark waved him off.

        "We've seen you edit, Tyler." He replied, smiling gently at Ethan's loud giggle and Tyler's chuckle.

        Mark shifted in his spot as he booted up the computer, typing in his password and loading up everything that needed to be on. He plugged his headphones in and was about to turn on his camera to start when he noticed an unnamed document sitting on his desktop.

        Curiosity overtook him, as usually his videos were in files or named. Clicking on the strange video, he opened it up and was surprised to not see himself but Jack staring back at him.

        “The fuck?” Mark muttered, noting the identical background to his own. “...wait a minute…”

        That’s why the front door was unlocked… He mused, Jack must’ve used the spare key I gave him when he lived here.

        His mouse hovered over the play button hesitantly, and then he clicked play.

        The Irishman’s voice filled Mark’s ears and he let a small smile slip onto his face as he watched the video play.

        He laughed as Jack did jazz hands but his expression soon turned somber as Jack continued to apologize.

        “Anyways, I’m here to say I’m sorry. For, ye know, just everything. I should’ve stayed in Ireland, then none of this would’ve happened. I really do apologize for the messes I keep making. Can’t do a damn thing right, can I?”

        Stay in Ireland?! No, Jack, no!

        “And… I’m also here to apologize for not being able to be with you. I’m sorry. I do like you back, I do! I just… I don’t know…”

        Mark felt his heart stop as he noticed the glimmering tears falling out of the boys electric blue eyes. The same eyes that made his heart stop every time Jack walked into the room.

         “I should get going… before you get back. Good bye, Mark.”

        Mark waved sadly at the monitor as Jack’s hand came forward and the video came to a stop.

        Jack… Mark sighed and leaned his head in his hands, Why do you do this to me?

        Closing out of the video, he took a deep breath and started a video of Subnautica.


Go away my books suck stop reading them smh)

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