Rebel Love Song (Janxx)

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Hey everyone, this is my first 'ship' fanfic so yeah...... Hope you like it!

Message me any ships you want me to write! I'll do my best to get to all of them but ya know, I can be a little overwhelmed by to many requests.


Jinxx's pov


I rolled out of bed and shut my alarm off sleepily. I got to my feet running a hand through my messy black hair as I heard my parents arguing. I got dressed for school reluctantly dawning a hoodie to cover my scars from myself and the bruises from my parents. Then walked to my bathroom where I straightened and teased my hair before applying a little eyeliner. I threw on my converse, grabbed my backpack, guitar case, and headed downstairs uneasily. As I expected as soon as I was in sight a bottle shattered against the wall behind me. I quickly grabbed a bottle of water and ran outside followed by insults and shouts. I took a sip of my water as I started the walk to school. One of my only friends CC fell into step beside me as he walked out of his house.

"Sup dude?" He asked sunny as usual.

"Nothing." I muttered pulling on one of my sleeves nervously and looking down.

"Have you heard about the new kid that's joining today?" He asked fixing the bandana holding his long black hair away from his face.

"No.... What's their name?" I asked looking up curiously.

"Apparently his name is Jake Pitts." CC said shrugging as Ashley waved and trotted over. I smiled slightly, Jake.... Cute name.

"That the new kid right?" Ashley asked as he walked beside CC.

CC nodded, I sighed seeing the high-school looming up in front of us. We walked inside where we split off. I walked to my locker to get my biology books. I rolled my eyes seeing the usual notes telling me to kill myself, that I was a faggot, and other awful things. I pulled them off and tossed them into a nearby trash can before opening my locker and pulling out my text-books. On my way to biology I dropped my guitar off in the music room where I knew it would be safe. After I said hi to the older music teacher I walked towards the science lab. I walked into the classroom and headed to the back of the classroom to avoid the taunts and insults of the other students. The professor silenced them as I sat down at a table in the back row. Everyone else had a science partner except for me, again. I had stuck my earbuds in when someone unfamiliar walked into the classroom.

"Ah you must be Jake." The professor sighed looking him over.

"Yeah." Jake said shyly brushing his long black hair out of his face. I smiled slightly seeing that Jake was dressed almost the same as me, except he didn't have a guitar pick necklace.

"You'll have to be Jinxx's partner." The professor said after looking around. Jake nodded and walked over to sit next to me.

"I'm Jake." He said offering his hand and smiling slightly.

"Jinxx." I said shaking his hand.

He smile broadened and the professor started the lesson. I tried to ignore Jake as I attempted to listen to the professor. My attempts failed though as my mind went over how perfect the boy next to me was. He had a little eyeliner on just like me and he was also listening to music in an iPod. When the period was over Jake glanced at his arm where he had scribbled down his schedule in pen.

"Uh..... What do we do during free period?" He asked as we walked out of the silence lab.

"Anything, I usually hang in the music room." I said heading in that direction.

"Mind if I come with?" Jake asked walking beside me.

"I don't see any reason why not." I said shrugging as I tried to force down the butterflies in my stomach.

"Thanks Jinxx." Jake said smiling at me.

I smiled back at him as we reached the music room. The one place where I wasn't tortured by the other students. The teacher smiled at Jake and I as we walked in. I went over to where I had set my guitar and pulled out my notebook. I flipped to the page where I had been writing a song I called 'Savior' I pulled my guitar out of its case, plugged it into a small amp, and played through a few riffs while Jake talked to the teacher. I wrote down a few more lines as I hummed the tune and played a string of chords to match it. Jake picked up an acoustic and sat down next to me. He glanced over my shoulder at what I had written and cocked his head to the side. I glanced at him as he tuned his guitar and started to accompany me. He was pretty good, we went back through the song and he helped me write an acoustic part to it.

"So if you switch to a G here it would flow smoother." He said as I studied his face.

"Jinxx?" He asked turning to look at me. I blushed slightly realizing our faces were only an inch apart. Jake stopped and leaned towards me.

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