Can You Hear Me?

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Jakes pov


Three months, three painful months. That's how long Jinxx had been in a coma. Yet again I sat by his bed holding his hand between mine.

"I got my drivers license today." I said quietly. I my mind I could see him smile and feel him kissing me on the cheek so very proud of me.

"It was my first try." I said trying to smile at his still face.

"When we get out of this damn place I'm gonna take you to a mountain I know. The view is gorgeous, you can see the horizon stretch for miles. Just empty sky till it meets the earth. You'll love it. It's the perfect place to sit and have a picnic, we could bring our acoustics and practice Savior. I've been working on it a little, it's not as good as it could be but it's still okay. Man, when you get outta here I've got so many places to show you. I found this little cove that's completely deserted all of the time even in the summer. The crystal water is so green, it's insane." I said looking off into the distance. I closed my eyes listing off the places I would take him when this whole mess was over. The doctor walked in and smiled at me.

"Back again I see." He said looking at his clipboard and walking over to the tall pole holding all of the bags attached to IV's stuck in Jinxx's arm. He nodded to me before walking out again.

"The rest of the guys are doing okay." I continued. "CC and Molly broke up, it's a shame... They were adorable. Ash and Andy are still together and they won't stop being romantic, it's kinda repulsive sometimes. A lot of people at school are wondering what happened to you, but don't worry. All of your attackers got back to school with the story of how I kicked all of their butts. They were all in the hospital too for awhile. I broke the ribs of one of them.... Another got a concussion, I hit him against a tree. And I broke the nose and jaw of the last one. Let's just say he won't be very pretty anymore." I smirked. Jinxx still yielded no reaction as I ran my thumb over the back of his hand, a hush fell over the room punctuated by only the bleeping of his heart monitor. I sighed and hung my head.

"I miss you so much Jinxx. I lie awake at night regretting every moment I wasted away from you, wishing you were in my arms and safe and well... Not in a coma anymore. Now that I have some spare time when my mom drags me away from you I've been practicing cooking for you, I'd love to cook for you some time. I've got this great recipient that I made, it's breaded lemon haddock and it's divine. The breading is simple just bread-crumbs, spices, and lemon juice to stick it to the fish. If you serve it with a salad it works really well. I suppose I'm babbling now....... I've got to go.... I need to be home by ten and it's nine now. I love you Jinxx." I finish standing and resting his hand on the bed again. I plant a kiss on his cheek and turn to walk out of the room. The beeps of his monitor follow me to the door.... Until they aren't beeps, just one long blip. Never ending. A flatline.

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