I Can Hear You

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Jakes pov


I felt my heart explode into a million pieces as doctors and nurses stamped past me into Jinxx's room. Eventually I was shoved out and I slid down a wall hugging my knees. Is at for what seemed like an eternity until all of the doctors and nurses filed out. I stood in alarm with tears streaming down my cheeks and ran into Jinxx's room, the monitor was off and so were all of the screens that had been clustered around his bedside. 'Nonononono, this isn't happening. How could- NO!!' Thoughts and despair crashed over my mind in waves of agony.

"Jake are you okay?" I heard a familiar soft voice ask. I looked up from the floor and my eyes widened. I hadn't actually looked at Jinxx I had looked at the silent monitor. He was sitting up with his legs dangling over the side of the hospital bed looking concerned.

"Y-you're alive." I stammered in disbelief. Jinxx nodded with a smile. I ran over to him and nearly tackled him in a hug and sat on the bed next to him. I pulled him against me and kissed him fiercely. I could feel tears of joy streaming down my cheeks as I pulled away and hugged him tightly afraid that I was dreaming and if I let go Jinxx would just fade into shadows. He hugged me back and I held him back by the shoulders looking at his face and bright blue eyes. I choked as he smiled at me and I pulled him into my lap cradling him so he could lean on my chest. I buried my face in his hair hiding my tears. I heard someone walk in, they gasped and I heard something shatter on the ground.

"He's gone?" I heard CC's familiar voice choke.

"No. He's alive." Jinxx said. I could hear the smirk in his voice and I smiled.

"Oh my god! It's a good thing I have some clothes for you." CC laughed. I looked up smiling remembering that I had asked him to keep some of Jinxx's clothes with him when he visited. Jinxx hopped out of my lap and trotted over to CC who was staring guiltily at a shattered vase and flowers on the floor.

"Oops. Um.... Sorry." He muttered brushing it out of the way with his foot as he handed Jinxx the clothes. Jinxx accepted them with a smile and CC trotted out. I turned as Jinxx pulled his clothes and shoes on. I felt his arms snake around my waist and I smiled as he rested his head on my shoulder. I turned and looked at him curiously. He was wearing a tight long-sleeved black shirt, black skinny jeans, and his favorite blue convers. I smiled as he stood and offered his hand. I accepted it and he twined our fingers together and I realized how much I had really missed him. We trotted out of his room and CC smiled at us before nearly crushing Jinxx in a hug. He squeaked and CC let him go looking sheepish.

"Sorry, I'm just happy you're alive." He said with a smile.

~~two days later~~

I wiped my brow with a smile, Jinxx and I had finally finished moving into our new place. (I was 17 and Jinxx was 16) (A/N. Jinxx is younger than Jake in this just because. Jinxx is actually older than Jake in real life)

"It's awesome." Said Jinxx as I snaked my arm around his waist. I nodded in agreement. It was a subtle two story house in the suburbs. We were standing in the living room and we could see the arch into the kitchen under the stairway. The stairs were to our left and when you reached the top there was a bathroom and two bedrooms.

"How long have you been thinking on this?" Jinxx asked looking up at me.

"Since I had time away from you to think." I said smiling .

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