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Carolyn's pov


I hugged the small-framed boy tightly, the paramedics had assured me that Jake would live.

"It's not gonna be okay." Jinxx sobbed as I rubbed his back soothingly.

"Hey, they say Jakes gonna be fine..... Why don't you go see your parents, they can probably do a better job of comforting you." I said trying to get him to look at me.

Jinxx's pov


The comment about my parents made me sob even harder knowing I had no one, no one. Carolyn held me tighter and got me to stand. I stood crying into her shoulder until she said we should go see Jake. I continued to cry in the car knowing that Jake trying to kill himself was my fault. If I hadn't let the stupid preppy girl flirt with me I would still have Jake...... After a bit we reached the hospital and sat in the waiting room. I got the strangest looks from people as I stared at my lap trying to force the tears down. Carolyn wrapped and arm around my shoulders.

"Um, is there a Carolyn here?" A doctor asked.

"That's me." Carolyn said standing.

I stood as well as we looked at the doctor expectantly.

"You may come see your son." He said formally turning and leading s down a hallway.

"Right in here, please try to keep your emotions under control. He needs to stay calm." The doctor instructed indicating a door.

Carolyn and I stepped inside cautiously. I smiled weakly as I saw Jake sitting up groggily running his hand through his hair. He saw us and smiled.

"Hey." He said happily looking from me to his mom.

"Oh Jake...... Why would you do that?!" Carolyn asked running to his bedside and hugging him.

"I don't know." He said shrugging, but he looked at me apologetically over her shoulder.

"Hey mum? Can Jinxx and I have a second?" Jake asked when his mother pulled away.

Carolyn nodded and walked out, I walked to Jakes bedside taking his hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry Jake..... I let her flirt with me and it got to far...... I'm so sorry....." I muttered not looking at him.

"Jinxx it's fine." He assured me.

I turned hearing the door open to see CC, Ashley, and Andy walk in awkwardly.

"Hey." CC said looking gloomy.

Andy walked over and hugged Jake then me. I hugged him back tightly.

"Thanks bro." I said smiling weakly.

"Why would you try that!?" Ashley asked hugging Jake.

"Do I know you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well you know Andy, this is Ashley, and CC." I explained.

"Jake are you gonna be well enough to get to prom? It wouldn't be the same without you." Andy asked randomly.

My eyes widened, I had totally forgotten and I wasn't sure I had the courage to ask Jake.

"Um when is it?" He asked sitting up.

"Three days." CC said shrugging and leaning against the doorway.

"Gah, I wouldn't have a date even if I did go." He sighed.

"Dude we usually just go in a big group anyways." Ashley said smiling.

"I have a date this year." CC said nonchalantly.

"What?" Andy asked looking surprised.

"Yeah, her names Molly." CC said smiling and looking off into the distance.  Ashley punched him in the arm.

"Are you too getting sexy times?" He smirked making CC glare at him.  Jake rolled his eyes as I ushered the guys out and sat on the edge of the bed taking Jakes hand.  He looked at me silently as my eyes welled up with tears again.

"Please, Never scare me like this again." I choked throwing my arms around his neck.  He hugged me back tightly.

"Hey Jinxx, Do you wanna go to prom with me?" He asked as I pulled away and his mother walked in.

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