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Hope you liked the last chapter! Love ya all!


Jinxx's pov


My heart rate increased as Jakes lips met mine. After a second we heard the door open and pulled away quickly. I glanced over at the door to see Andy standing there looking confused, the teacher (who was the only person that wasn't family and knew I was gay) grinned happily.

"What just happened?" Andy asked as Jake and I blushed furiously.

"N-Nothing....." Jake stuttered looking down guiltily.

"Jinxx?" Andy asked looking at me quizzically.

"Ok you know what! It's been long enough you should know." I swallowed nervously and looked at him. "I'm gay." I said boldly waiting for Andy to laugh and call me a faggot or something.

"Dude. I had already guessed that." Andy sighed rolling his eyes while Jake looked at me fairly shocked.

"W-wait you knew?!" I asked slightly taken aback.

"Jinxx, it was kind of obvious." Andy said shaking his head and sitting down next to me. I looked down at my guitar.

"During middle school, out of all the hot girls that flirted with you.... You never even looked interested in the slightest. But when the popular guy walked past or talked to you, you were giddy and constantly blushing." Andy said resting a hand on my shoulder.

Jake smiled shyly at me when I looked up at him. I blushed and looked down at my lap again.

"Seriously dude all the guys know." Andy assured me patting me on the head.

I batted his hand away as the bell rang. We all headed to our next periods. The rest of the day continued uneventfully until I started the walk home. Jake trotted up next to me and smiled when I looked up at him curiously.

"You wanna come hang at my house?" He asked brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Sure, I guess..... My parents don't care." I said reluctantly. Jake shrugged and we walked in silence for a while.

"Do your parents know?" He asked abruptly.

"Know what?" I asked slightly nervous.

"About you being.... You know.... Gay." He said shrugging.

My heart sank as I remembered the day I had told them. That's when they had become abusive.

"Yeah....... They were ok parents until I told them...... Then they started calling me worthless, and started to abuse me saying I needed to fix myself because they didn't want a gay son." I said.

I tried to shove back the tears like I always had but one trickled down my cheek. Before I could wipe it away Jake stopped me and brushed it away gently. He smiled slightly and kissed me on the cheek before continuing to walk. We reached his house in about twenty minutes. He led me up to the front door and walked inside.

"Mum! I'm home!" He announced as I followed nervously.

"I can see that dear." A woman chuckled walking out of the kitchen. She had on an apron and was holding an oven-mitt in one hand.

"And who's this nice young man?" She asked smiling at me.

"This is Jinxx." Jake said patting me on the shoulder.

"Hi." I said shyly waving a little. She smiled and offered her hand.

"I'm Jakes mom but you can call me Carolyn." She said as I shook her offered hand.

"Well we're gonna go hang in my room." Jake said waving goodbye to his mom and heading up the stairs. I followed as he walked into his room. He set his stuff down and sat down on his bed.

"So what do you think?" He asked as I looked around at the posters and stuff.

He had a several posters of heavy-metal bands, and few punk-rock bands. I nodded and set my stuff on the floor. Jake smiled and gestured to his computer chair. I sat on the edge of it and looked at him curiously.

"So... Why'd you invite me over?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I just wanted to hang." He said shrugging and grabbing an acoustic. I rolled my eyes as he started to strum a few chords.

"So that song you were working on.... What was it called?" He asked starting to play the acoustic part for it.

"Savior." I said blushing and looking out the window.

"That sounds cool." Jake said nodding.

"I suck at song titles." I laughed shaking my head. Jake got up and walked over to where I was sitting.

"You're amazing." He said sternly making me look up at him.

I shook my head looking away. Jake cupped my cheek with his hand and turned my head so I was looking into his brown eyes.

"Jinxx you are a great person in every way, don't doubt that for even a second." He said before kissing me lightly.

I leaned into the kiss as our lips moved together. He pulled away smiling. We wasted the afternoon telling each-other stories and writing down tidbits of songs. Eventually it got late and Jake walked me home.

"Se ya Monday." I said waving as he walked away. I opened the door reluctantly and walked inside.

"Where the hell have you been?!" My mother yelled as I started to walk up the stairs.

"Since when did you care." I muttered.

"Because I don't want you out there doing gay stuff and making it worse!" She yelled.

"Making what worse mom?! I don't have a disease! I'm not broken! What am I making worse?!" I yelled frustrated.

"You are sick! You need to accept that and try to be straight again!" She yelled as I glared at her.

"There's nothing wrong with me!" I yelled with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Come back here!" She hollered as I ran into my room and locked myself in my bathroom.

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