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Jakes pov


I stared at the bottle of Tylenol. I knew 25 pills was a fatal dose, I opened it and looked up at the ceiling before counting out the pills. I swallowed them and waited for something to happen. A few minutes later my vision went blurry and I lost my ability to stand. I collapsed onto the floor as I heard a crash.

Jinxx's pov


Carolyn stood behind me worriedly as I pounded on the door.

"Sorry Miss Pitts." I apologized before stepping back and kicking the door down.

She gasped slightly as I ran into Jakes room and looked around frantically. I didn't see him anywhere so I ran over to the bathroom door. That was locked as well, this time I didn't even hesitate I just rammed the door in with my shoulder. I stopped in shock as I saw Jake lying in the ground passed out. Carolyn burst into tears as I crouched down next to her son and checked his pulse. It was still there but faint.

"Call an ambulance." I said grimly looking up at her.

She nodded and ran off as Jake shifted and flicked his eyes open.

"Jinxx?" He asked looking confused.

"I'm right here Jake." I assured him with tears starting to trickle down my cheeks.

"I-I thought you liked me." Jake choked weakly looking pained.

"I do Jake, I do." I sobbed pulling his head into my lap.

"You were kissing her." He said sadly.

His breathing was getting shallower as I held him tightly.

"Jake I swear it was her." I assured him smiling weakly and brushing a strand of hair away from his face.

"How can I believe you." Jake asked letting his head roll to the side.

"Is this proof enough?" I asked before leaning down and kissing him tenderly.

I pulled away after a second and looked at him frantically. His eyes dulled and his pulse slowed. I collapsed onto his chest sobbing, a few seconds later the paramedics ran in. They shoved me aside and picked Jake up. They drove off before Carolyn or I could stop them.

"He's gonna be okay." Carolyn assured me wrapping her arms around my shaking form.

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