The Cold Truth

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Jinxx's pov


I sat on the floor of the bathroom and rolled up my sleeves. I stretched my arms out and ran my fingers over the scars. 'Jake doesn't really know you, once he does get to know you he'll hate you.' My conscience sneered, I shook my head in defiance as the tears kept rolling down my face. 'Your parents are right you ARE broken, and you'll be broken forever.' It hissed.

"No, I-I'm n-not broken." I choked, my vision blurred with tears and I pulled my knees up to my chest.

When I finally pulled myself back together I shook my head again. I needed relief, relief from the mental pain. I lifted the loose tile from the floor and pulled out my razor. I closed my eyes and ran it across my wrist, over and over and over again. I watched dully as the blood trickled down my arm painting my wrist red. Someone pounded on the door but I ignored them.

"Jinxx!" Someone called desperately.

Was that Jake? No, it couldn't be..... He was at his house.

"Jinxx!" The person called again. I was right it was Jake.

"No, no no no...... He killed himself." Jake sobbed. I could hear cloth sliding against the wall.

"I wasn't fast enough." Jake choked, his voice was slightly muffled almost like he was crying into his knees.

I pulled myself up and walked over to the door. I took a deep breath before opening it and peering out. Jake was sitting against the wall in tears. I knelt down beside him and kissed him on the cheek. He looked up and broke into a smile, he hugged me and I fell backwards hitting the floor with a dull thud.

"You're alive!" Jake cried pulling me back up and wrapping his arms around me tightly.

He looked down and saw my arms, exposed and covered with self-harm scars.

"Jinxx..... Why?" He asked pulling me into the bathroom and making me sit on the counter.

I sat obediently as he found the first-aid kit and cleaned the blood off my arm before wrapping it in gauze.

"Why?" Jake asked again sitting beside me and wrapping his arms around my torso.

"It's like a pain-killer, it numbs the mental pain....." I said looking down.

Jakes pov


I never would have thought my perfect Jinxx would harm himself.... I guess I was wrong. He turned and started to cry into my chest. I held him tighter and led him out of the bathroom. We sat on his bed leaning against the headboard until he finally drifted off to sleep. I smiled down at him as he shifted slightly and wrapped his arm around my waist. Let my head roll back against the pillows and fell asleep easily.

When I woke up in the morning Jinxx was gone. I sat up frantically before realizing that the shower was on. I relaxed and ran a hand through my hair. The shower turned off and a second later Jinxx walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I coughed a little and looked down so I wasn't staring at his six-pack.

"Morning." Jinxx yawned grabbing a set of clothes.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked looking up.

"Like a freaking rock." Jinxx chuckled walking back into the bathroom.

I yawned a little and stretched before standing. It was silent downstairs and I wondered if his parents were still sleeping or not home. Jinxx came back out of the bathroom still yawning. He smiled at me and walked out of the room. I followed as he trotted downstairs totally not worried at all.

"What about your parents?" I asked looking around warily.

"They're on vacation, they won't be back for about three months." Jinxx sighed walking into the kitchen.

"W-what?" I stammered I had no idea parents could be like that

Rebel Love Song (Janxx)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon