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Eleanor's pov:
"James, please don't go!" I cried. "I have to. Here, take this. If you are ever in trouble, call this number. He will know what to do." James replied, bending down a little, to my height. James was 13, and I was 11, but I wasn't too much smaller then him. Our parents had split just recently, and my Dad got custody of my brother, and my mom got custody of me. Right now, mom and James where leaving for the airport.
5 years later:
     The next few weeks after we where separated, Dad called, asking where James was. Mom thought he was joking. I wish that was the truth. There hasn't been a trace of him for years. A few months after his disappearance, I lost hope, as well as all of my friends. My mother started having a drinking problem 2 years ago, so I moved in with my Dad and Step-Mom, Ifangeline. They still pay for the investigations of my brothers disappearance, not loosing hope, like I did. I was currently in math, listening to the teacher ramble on about the homework. No one really was paying close attention to him. No one really gave a fuck about math, anyways. Oh! Where are my manners?! I'm Eleanor Winters, and here are a list of things I love to do:
Watch football
Shoot at a shooting range
Play baseball with my Dad and Step-mom
Play Basketball with my Dad and Step-mom
Watch movies
Go to the mall
Eat food
Play guitar
Play piano
Write songs
Write stories
Record things in my journal

And that's about it! Bye!

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