Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

She rolled over and groaned, arhh stupid brothers can never let her lie in, another load of knocks hammered down on the door “Rebecca if you don’t get up right now, I’m gunna pour water all over you again”, she leapt out of bed and pulled open the door a fraction and sticking her head around the door, after checking he was water free, she opened the door fully and answered “I’m up, so you can go away now”, Jason just grinned at her before turning and walking away.

She stepped back into her room and closed the door, she may be Alpha but they were still her older, overprotective, annoying and sometimes fun brothers. Walking back into her room she grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a nice red top that showed her figure without being slutty, grabbed some clean underwear and walked into the bathroom.

She had a shower and was careful not to get her hair wet as she had only washed it last night, drying off her body she pulled on her clothes before throwing her worn clothes in the wash and walking into her bedroom, she sat down at her dresser and looked in the mirror, she needed to look like a calm, collected and intelligent Alpha today, she put her hair up into a high pony tail so it reached halfway down her back and then straightened it so it was  smooth, after putting on some mascara and eyeliner she stood up ready, checking her appearance in the mirror once more she grabbed her phone and I pod and walked out of the room.

Closing the door behind her she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where everyone was sat around eating the lovely cooked breakfast made by their wonderful chefs, as people noticed her the adults nodded and greeted alpha and some of the children came to hug her and ask if she would play tag with them after breakfast, after promising several children a game of tag and giving her brothers and a few close friends a morning hug she went over to the table. Grabbing some toast an egg and a couple of sausages she was ready to eat, pouring some pink juice from the jug she climbed up onto one of the breakfast stools, sat next to her was Sharon she was short and slim with red hair that went just below her shoulders, she had huge brown eyes and was mated to Mike a tall guy with ginger hair who was constantly smiling, though he was always smiling he was one of their best fighters, as she said hi to Sharon mike walked in and sat next to Sharon pulling her towards him into a hug, Rebecca looked at them with a soft smile on her face she hoped one day she would meet someone who would love her the same way Mike and Sharon loved each other.

After finishing her breakfast and reminding Sharon that they where greeting the new pack today and asking if she and Mike could watch the kids whilst they had the meeting, and she would tell her how it wen afterwards, after Sharon quickly agreed Rebecca got up put her stuff in the dishwasher and walked out of the room in search of her brothers.

After finding them and conforming the times they where meeting the other pack she went out to the front field to play the promised game of tag with the children, they told her because she was the newest player she had to be ‘it’ after good naturedly agreeing she ran after the children letting them win most of the games, and she actually had quite a good time,

One hour later the whole pack was gathered in the meadow on the edge of their territory waiting for the other pack to arrive, they where ten minutes early but it was always a good sign to be early and not late, as they stood waiting for the other pack to arrive Rebecca started to get a soft buzzing sensation going though her, it got stronger and stronger and stronger until she didn’t think she could take it anymore and just as she thought she was going to burst the new pack walked onto the meadow, relief washed over her and she looked over the new pack, they looked of average size and power she thought and that’s when it hit her the most heavenly smell that had ever touched her nose, her eyes snapped up trying to find where the intoxicating smell was coming from, her eyes quickly landed on the Alpha, the pack may be average but the Alpha was anything but, he was GORGOUSE and her mouth started watering, her wolf started screaming Mine, My Mate, Mine, he seemed to be searching for something as well, and then their eyes met, fireworks started surging though her body, feelings she had never felt before raced though her mind, as he walked closer the fireworks got stronger and stronger ‘I need him’ she thought, but she couldn’t there they where stood in front of both packs on their first meeting, she was Alpha she would do her job.

After closing her eyes and taking several deep breaths she opened her eyes looked him straight in the eyes and let her Alpha power flow, she looked him in the eyes and spoke “I Alpha Rebecca of the Purple Thunder Pack welcome you and your pack the Dark Moons to share our town and live peacefully with us, the boundary’s have been decided and agreed, I hope we can live happily together” as she said the last bit she looked strongly into his eyes she hoped what she said was true for her pack and his and most definitely for them two, putting her hand forward as a sign of agreement, she almost gasped as her took her hand and shook it bolts of energy shot up her arms and a feeling deep in the pit of her stomach grew stronger each second, before she could loose control she pulled her hand away from him and nodded, “until we meet again he said in a voice that made her want to melt on the floor she nodded before turning around, transforming into a wolf and beginning the run home.


this is my first story and i promise to upload everyday, if people comment and vote :D

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