Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Rebecca’s pov

I didn’t sleep at all last night, everything every little detail about him kept going round and round in my mind, Alex… I wonder if he’s thinking of me, no probley not, what if he didn’t feel it to, what if I’m crazy, what if he’s not my mate, no I cant be crazy those feeling where real  and strong, they where so strong I can still feel them humming though me. I need to see him… I need to know if he felt it to…

Third person

Rebecca sighed before climbing out of bed and walking over to her wardrobe, grabbing a pair of jeans and a nice white tee-shirt she walked slowly into the bathroom turning on some music as she went, stripping off her clothes and walking into the shower she turned the water on and waited for it to warm up, stepping under the shower she wondered idly what she should do today, well its Sunday she thought so training in the afternoon, but what to do all morning. As she thought this she washed her hair with strawberry’s and cream smelling shampoo and conditioner, finally washing out the conditioner she climbed out of the shower wrapped a towel round her hair and got dressed, not being bothered to dry her hair she rubbed it with a towel for a bit and then brushed it and left it to dry its self.

Rebecca walked down the stairs and into the kitchen before someone grabbed her from behind, her heart jumped before she sniffed and realised it was just Tom turning round and climbing out of his arms she grinned and said “morning tommy bo” smiling wider as he grimaced she chuckled lightly he just grumbled at her before replying “Alice has been nagging me to ask you to go shopping with her”, Alice is Toms mate she is short and slim with wavy red hair down to her waist and has a happy smiling personality, they found each other one year ago when we met with another pack and she was really good at helping him though when our parents died, Rebecca smiled, she owes a lot to that girl . Smiling and saying she definitely wanted to go shopping with her, she hugged him, grabbed a piece of toast and went off to find her.

Finding her in the front room eating breakfast she went up to her and plonked her self down on the sofa before asking what time she wanted to go shopping, grinning Alice said “at last, and as soon as I’ve finished this” nodding down at her almost empty plate, nodding Rebecca said “ok I’ll just go and get a jacket and my purse”.

After grabbing her purse and a cute blue jacket Rebecca walked down the stairs and saw Alice waiting at the bottom, grinning a hi to her the walked out of the door towards Alice’s cute pink mini they climbed in, Rebecca was sixteen but when she could drive she knew exactly what she wanted this car in purple. Alice turned the key and they started of towards the shopping centre.

After several hours of shopping and several cute new outfits including a few new skirts, shorts and new tee-shirts and they where finished, after putting all of their bags in the car boot Rebecca checked the time, 12 o’clock, well training starts at one so they had enough time for a quick lunch, making their way over to Mc Donald’s they both got a chicken sandwich, chips and a milk shake before taking a seat. After taking a seat they started talking about their shopping trip, Rebecca kept spacing out, thoughts on Alex keeping springing to the front of her mind, “are you okay bec, you keep spacing out” blinking and trying to focus on that Alice was saying Rebecca grinned at the nick name “yeah I’m fine” Alice looked at her for a bit but didn’t push it and took a sip out of her milkshake. After finishing their meal they went home talking about random things all the way.

Arriving home Rebecca went and put her shopping into her room, “everyone out onto the meadow we’re going to start training!!” Rebecca yelled in her Alpha voice, walking out onto the meadow with everyone behide her and people coming out of the houses surrounding the pack house, turning around she waited for everyone to quieten down, they did quickly and then she spoke “okay today we are going to work on reflexes everyone get into pairs and lets begin”, Sharon made her way over to Rebecca and they began, about ten minutes in Jacob came out of the house, she stopped, she hadn’t realised he wasn’t out here, he came up to her looking guilty as he scratched the back of him head “Rebecca the other packs Alpha called earlier whilst you where out and asked if we could train together to improve each packs skills with new challenges, I couldn’t get hold of you so I just sort of said yeah”, Rebecca froze her mate was coming “um well there kind of here” Jason said as HE walked onto the meadow, with his pack, oh no she looked over to him and froze, the waiting had been to much she couldn’t be with out him anymore.

She ran, she ran towards him like her life depended on it, he started running towards her a few seconds before she started running and he grabbed her half way, holding onto her tight, he held her tight against him like if he let go the world would fall apart, the sparks flew around there swirling around her like crazy she needed him she needed him now. Ripping her self away a huge feeling of emptiness washed over her, turning to their packs they both cleared their throats, he looked down at her eyes searching her as if asking if it was ok, she nodded and he spoke “we are mates, I love this girl stood next to me more than my own life, more than I have ever loved anybody else before, she is my world, and I will love and protect her until the day I die” tears welled up in Rebecca’s eyes as she realised she loved him to, she loves him with all her heart and she only knew his name….


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