Chapter 19

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As they lay in each others arms that night, they talked for hours about the baby, everything from names to how they wanted to decorate the room.

Chapter 19

Waking up she stretched over both excitement and fear going though her, excitement from going to do a scan and fear from the packs and her brother’s reactions, groaning at the thought of her brother’s reaction she got up out of the bed.

Turning around she saw Alex was still sleeping, ‘awwww he looks so adorable’ she thought grabbing her phone, she snapped several pictures and then set the cutest one as her background picture.

Grinning she walked into the bathroom and took a relaxing shower, as she stood under the water she rubbed shower gel all over her bump making it all frothy, drawing a smiley face on it she grinned,

“You’ll look so much better don’t worry my little bump” she said rubbing away the silly smiley face with grin. After washing off all of the shower gel she stepped out of the shower and looked in the mirror, she was just over half way though her pregnancy and she looked BIG.

Grabbing a towel she wrapped it around her and walked into the bedroom, Alex was walking out of the wardrobe pulling a shirt on,

“The scans in half an hour sweetie” Alex said holding the door to the wardrobe open for her,

“Then we need to have a pack meeting, I’m worried about what Tom and Jason are going to say” she admitted to Alex though the now closed door, as she started pulling her clothes on,

“Try not to worry, I’m sure they’ll understand” Alex said. Sticking her head around the door she shot him a look

“Really Alex, you know just as well as I do there going to freak out” she said in a duh voice, Alex frowned then nodded, it was probably true anyway.

As they walked down the corridor together hand in hand, they where going for their scan, and neither could wait, they where going to see their baby for the first time!! 

As they stood at the door of the doctor’s office they looked at each other and smiled, Alex knocked on the door and the doctor opened it,

“Hello I’m Sarah, please come in, Alpha Rebecca if you could get up on the bed, we’ll get started” the doctor said in a friendly voice, grinning they walked in and Rebecca jumped up on the bed.

Laying down she lifted her top up, exposing her stomach, Alex sat down next to her and held her hand, an excited grin on both their faces. Sarah squirted the jelly onto Rebecca’s stomach making her squirm,

“Whoa that’s cold” she said.

Sarah smiled, “sorry Alpha” she said. Sarah took the ultra sound wand and pressed it onto Rebecca’s stomach, a soft heartbeat sounded around the room.

Rebecca and Alex gasped,

“And that would be your baby’s heartbeat” Sarah said with a smile, Rebecca grinned in excitement,

“Isn’t it just so adorable, amazing and just plain cute” Rebecca said listening hard in wonder,

“It Is” Alex said in wonder,

“Do you want to see your baby??” Sarah asked, they both nodded. Smiling Sarah turned the screen to face them. And there on the screen was their baby; it was curled up in a ball its little hands and feet scrunched up, its little face almost looked like it was smiling at them.

They both stared at the screen in amazement,

“Here I’ll print you off some pictures” Sarah said, taking some pictures from behind her as they printed out. A few minutes later they where done,

“That was amazing” Alex said, Rebecca nodded in agreement and they started walking down the corridor as Alex called the meeting.

As they stood on the stage Rebecca shifted nervously from foot to foot, Alex cleared his throat and wrapped his arm around Rebecca’s waist,

“We have some great news to tell you all, Rebecca is pregnant, we are having out first baby” he said, a round of applause went around the room and a series of congratulations went around the room, but Tom and Jason just stood there frozen,

“That’s all we wanted to say guys, thanks bye” he finished. Everyone walked out the room but Tom and Jason still stood there, once everyone had left the room Rebecca and Alex got down off the stage and walked over to where her brothers where stood,

“Guys, Jason, Tom hey, say something” Rebecca said staring at them, Tom turned to Alex anger clear in his face,

“She’s sixteen, Alex, sixteen, how can she possibly be a mother!!” he yelled,

“Rebecca are you crazy, your just a kid, you can’t possibly have a baby!!” Jason said turning to Rebecca. Rebecca gulped, they where mad, she’s never seen them so angry.

“Guys I know I’m young, but we’re in love and I’m happy we’re having a baby, and I know its new and you’ll have to get used to it but I hope you’ll be happy too” she said her voice getting softer as she said it.

Their faces grew softer,

“Go Rebecca we need to talk about this, we’ll come and find you after we’ve calmed down, you will have to wait a while, we’ll see you tomorrow” Tom said still shaking.

Nodding Rebecca walked numbly out and headed up to her bedroom, Alex wrapped his arm around her trying to comfort her.

 When they got to the room Rebecca sat down on the bed, she started crying,

“Awwww sweetie don’t cry” Alex said wrapping his arms tightly around her and holding her close, his heart was breaking, his mate was so hurt and she was hurt by the people who where supposed to prevent it.

She cried until she couldn’t cry and more and then she fell asleep in Alex’s arms.


I want you guys to help me choose the sex of the baby, help me :D

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i love you guys thanxx for reading, voting, commenting and fanning it means a lot :D XD

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